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With Roy and Morton: 

The two largest Koopalings were both walking down the hall, heading towards the break room where the Koopa Troopa and Hammer Bro guards liked to take their breaks. 

Roy burst the door open, causing the guards to all jump in fright, turning and seeing Roy and Morton both walking in. 

“Prince Roy, Prince Morton, what can we do you the pleasure of?” asked a Koopa Troopa, tilting his head to the side as he got up from one of the many tables. 

The break room was about the size of a small cafeteria with many tables and chairs. This allowed all of the guards to take turns to have their breaks, alternating between shifts and routes. 

Roy crossed his arms, glaring at the Koopa Troopa. 

“Ya know da Koopa Troopa murdered n' Hamma Bro who fuckin’ disappeared?” demanded Roy, getting straight to the point. 

Everyone in the break room went silent, glancing over at the two princes nervously. 

“O-Oh….well, I didn’t know any of them personally, but I think Mike will be able to tell you what you need” said the Koopa Troopa. 

“Who’s Mike?” asked Morton, tilting his head in confusion. 

“I’m Mike” said a Hammer Bro, walking over to the two. 

This Hammer Bro was wearing a different colored helmet, being black instead of green. On either side of the helmet, there were three little stars, indicating he was someone of importance. 

“Wait, you’re the captain of the guard, right?” asked Morton, having recognised the Hammer Bro. 

The Hammer Bro, Mike, nodded. 

“That’s right. I assign each and everyone’s patrol routes and shifts. If that's what you’re here about, that is” said Mike, crossing his arms and raising an eyebrow in question.

Roy nodded. 

“Yeah, we r', actually. Mind if we talk somewhere a lil' mo' private?” asked Roy. 

Mike nodded, gesturing for the two to follow. 

“If you would, please come with me to my office. It’s just over here” said Mike, leading the two across the room, the three entering a small office.

Mike took a seat at his desk, the entire room looking like a simple office room. There were some papers scattered on the desk, causing Mike to pick up the papers and put them neatly in a stack near the corner of the desk. 

“Alright, what would you like to know?” asked Mike, folding his hands neatly on the desk, glancing up at the two largest Koopalings. 

Roy closed the door before he and Morton walked over to the desk, the second largest crossing his arms, deciding to be the one to do the talking. 

“Me n' my siblings took it upon ourselves ta try n' solve da murda n' disappearance. Me n' Morton r' here ta ask if yo' rememba which route n' shift da Koopa Troopa n' Hamma Bro were workin'” explained Roy. 

Morton smiled and nodded. 

“Yeah. Oh! I can’t forget, I want to record everything so I can make my own murder mystery video, like our own little TV show episode. I hope that’s alright with you, I just thought it would be fun, you know? To liven up the situation despite how serious it is, not that a Koopa Troopa and Hammer Bro being murdered and disappearing being good or anything, but I was just thinking it would be fun for us Koopalings to solve the murder, and then dad will be so proud of us for taking charge and finding the murderer!” said Morton, taking his video camera out of his shell and opening the viewfinder, turning it on. 

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