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With Ludwig and Junior: 

The two Koopalings had made it to the large, open city square that was in front of Daisy’s castle. 

There were several shops and boutiques that were open with a bunch of tourists and citizens walking around. In the center of the large city square, there was also a fountain with a statue of a female winged sphinx in the center. 

Among the citizens, it mainly consisted of Gao, sphinx-like creatures that came in all different sizes. There were also some Toads, several Dry Bones, and some Pokeys wandering around. 

“Alright Junior, look for somethink zat looks like a kollektion of varp pipes arranget in a line or somethink. Zey schoult hafe signs beside each one to indikate vhich kingdom zey leat to” said Ludwig, crossing his arms and looking around. 

Junior frowned, nodding in understanding. 

A few minutes before they had arrived at the city square, Ludwig had stopped to take the bandage off from around his head, having Junior take a look and confirming that he had a bruise that was barely visible on the back of his head. 

Junior could tell that the oldest Koopaling was going to be in a bad mood until they got back home, knowing that he was mad about that fact that he would be unable to fix his hair right away. 

It was currently, still, a disheveled mess. 

He had TRIED to fix it on his own, having carried a spare hairbrush in his shell, but was unable to get the tangles out without a proper hair comb. 

Not that he would be able to since he couldn't style his hair without the help of his favorite hairspray that he always used, anyway. 

The oldest Koopaling had always been very particular on what type of hairspray he used on his hair, having only used one brand since he started styling it in its signature style. 

And the hairspray he used could only be bought in Cloud Land. 

Junior shook his head, having zoned out. 

He HAD to stop zoning out so much, especially now that he and Ludwig were in a kingdom they had never been to before. 

Junior had to correct himself. 

This was an empire, not a kingdom. 

He had to get used to calling it that. 

The Mushroom Kingdom is a kingdom. 

Sarasaland is an empire.

Great, now he was correcting himself about it. 

He was hanging around Ludwig way too much lately, not that he had a problem with that. 

He just didn’t want to accidentally pick up any of Ludwig’s characteristics, such as studying and doing research about things he believed were not that important to him. 

There he goes again, zoning out and forgetting about the task at hand. 

It wasn’t until Ludwig had grabbed his shoulders and was currently shaking him that got him to finally snap out of his thoughts. 

“W-What…?” began Junior, looking around confused. 

“Hov far hat you been zonet out zat you ignoret ze fakt zat I hat been tryink to get your attention for ze last fife minutes!?” asked Ludwig, growling when he saw that he had gotten Junior’s attention. 

Junior shook his head. 

“I don’t know. Guess I got distracted with my thoughts. I didn’t think I had zoned out for five minutes” admitted Junior, frowning slightly. 

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