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With the Koopalings:

The Koopalings had all made it back to Junior's airship, everyone being silent as Junior had his airship go at full speed.

They were just passing the border of Dark Land, so the youngest Koopaling slowed the speed, not wanting to fly right past the castle as they approached it.

Wendy and Lemmy were both twitching slightly, some sparks of electricity emitting from the smallest Koopalings hair, the female Koopalings bow being slightly charred black.

Larry's hair was a mess, having been able to extinguish the flames before all of his hair could burn away completely.

Morton had been acting like a moron after having his head banged down against the castle floor, something in his head getting rattled around, dumbing him down a few pegs.

Iggy was partially blind without his glasses, everything looking blurry as he tried to locate where his twin was. He managed to finally locate Lemmy, but was zapped with a small spark of electricity that came from his hair.

Lemmy gasped.

"I'm so sorry, Iggy! I guess my hair is still electrically charged" exclaimed Lemmy.

Iggy shook his head, regaining himself.

"I-I beLIEVE t-that...uhhh....I forgot where I was going with this..." muttered the tallest Koopaling, looking dazed.

He then took a seat beside Lemmy, the smallest Koopaling and female Koopaling having been seated beside each other on the edge of the upper deck.

Roy was still covering his eyes with his hands, not wanting to damage them any further.

"Hey Roy, don't you keep a spare pair of sunglasses in your shell?" asked Larry, glancing over at the second largest Koopaling.

Roy sighed, shaking his head.

"No, but I think I should start doin' dat, naw dat yo' mention it" muttered Roy, sounding bitter after the beating they had all received from the crazed Koopaling.

Larry just nodded, falling silent like everyone else as Junior landed his airship just outside the hanger.

Everyone got off the airship, Junior leaving it just outside, not even feeling like putting it back in its garage at the moment.

They all entered the castle through the front doors, everyone getting startled when they heard the sound of Bowser growling, the Koopa King stomping over to them.

"Where have you all been!? And what happened to you?" demanded Bowser, crossing his arms as he stood in front of them.

Everyone glanced away, minus Roy and Iggy, the two not knowing where Bowser was because Roy didn't want to remove his hands from his eyes, and Iggy was partially blind.

" see..." began Larry, but had no idea how to explain it.

Bowser huffed, smoke puffing out of his nostrils.

"This had something to do with...Ludwig...didn't it?" asked Bowser, already knowing what had happened.

Everyone flinched, Junior nodding as he bit his bottom lip.

Bowser closed his eyes, thinking.

He then frightened them all by suddenly roaring, blowing fire that barely missed their heads, causing them all to duck. Larry had to quickly grab Roy and Iggy, pulling them both down since they had no idea what was going on, the two being unable to see.

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