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With the Koopalings: 

The Koopalings were all standing on the upper deck, Bowser standing behind the wheel and steering his airship towards Cloud Land. 

Bowser had a perpetual scowl, having expressed no other emotion since they left Dark Land. 

Everyone had been silent, the Koopalings whispering amongst themselves while Bowser flew the airship. 

“Oh man...I can’t believe you guys found him!” whispered Larry, making sure to speak quietly. 

Iggy nodded. 

“Yes, it was….unexpected…” whispered Iggy, not talking too loud. 

The Koopalings had been told by their father to be quiet, having been talking earlier just after they left, so now they were speaking quietly by whispering. 

Roy sighed, his arms crossed. 

“I kind o' wish yo' didn't leave Junior, though. Dude’z just a kid, so I can only imagine seein' our eldest brotha tied up wit' chains n' locked in a cell would traumatise him” whispered Roy, frowning. 

Lemmy raised an eyebrow, confused. 

“But...that’s exactly what you did two months ago. Junior was there with us” whispered Lemmy, frowning. 

Roy scowled, sighing. 

“I know, but we didn't tie him up wit' chains” whispered Roy. 

Wendy scowled, resting a hand on her hip. 

“No, but you DID grab his hair and smash his face into the bars” whispered Wendy blankly. 

Roy’s eyes widened in realization. 

“Oh...yeah….I did….” muttered Roy, now feeling a new wave of guilt for what he had done. 

He had been OBSESSED with proving to everyone that Ludwig had killed those ten guards, and he had no idea why. 

Roy shook his head. 

“Well dat doesn't matta. What matters naw be dat we git our olda brotha back” whispered Roy, grinning in determination. 

The other Koopalings nodded in agreement. 

“MORTON HELP GET BROTHER BACK!” shouted Morton loudly, causing everyone to flinch.

Everyone glanced over at Bowser, seeing that the Koopa King was glaring at them, having heard the largest Koopaling shout. 

With Junior and Ludwig: 

Junior was pacing back and forth in the cell, trying to think of some way to get out. 

He sighed in annoyance when his mind blanked. 

“Can’t you just use one of your spells, like teleport us out of here or something?” asked Junior, turning to the oldest Koopaling. 

Ludwig sighed, having been sitting on the floor with the back of his shell resting against the wall. 

“I kan't. We voult hafe to vait until I regain all of my energy before I kan, ant zat koult take hours since I hat been hangink upside dovn for nearly zree days vith no foot or vater” explained Ludwig weakly, clutching his ribs, having fallen on them after Junior had lowered the lever. 

Junior sighed, nodding in understanding. 

“Yeah...that makes sense. I just hope it doesn’t take too long, since the king said he’s going to send someone down to take away our wands” said Junior, muttering the last part. 

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