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With Ludwig: 

The four Koopalings in the training room were waiting for their other four siblings to arrive. 

Ludwig was pacing back and forth impatiently. 

He didn’t want to start mentoring them until they were ALL present. 

As the eldest brother paced, Iggy and Lemmy were both sitting nearby and watching silently as Junior attempted to set up some training equipment for them to use. 

The oldest Koopaling then perked up, hearing the doors to the training room open. 

Turning around, he, the twins, and Junior spotted the remaining four Koopalings walking over. 

Roy looked impatient, Morton looked somewhat excited, Wendy looked annoyed, and Larry looked pissed. 

“Alright, we're all here. Letz git dis ova wit' so we can git back ta whatever we were doin' before we were forced ta attend dis stupid...whateva yo' want ta call dis shit. Training? Yeah, sure, letz go wit' dat” said Roy impatiently. 

Larry nodded, glaring at the oldest Koopaling as he crossed his arms. 

“Yeah, I had to push back training for that tennis tournament that’s coming up. You KNOW how much I’ve been working hard so I can actually WIN this time. Every year the Mario brothers win, but this time I want to be sure that I’M the one winning and taking home the trophy” said Larry. 

“And I was supposed to meet my besties at the mall so we could go shopping. Ugh, talk about rescheduling, much? You should have HEARD how disappointed they sounded when I told them I couldn't go today like we all planned” said Wendy, examining her nails, making sure they were perfect. 

Ludwig sighed in annoyance, nodding. 

“Yes, yes. I get it. Ve voult ALL rather do anythink else zan beink 'forced' to train somethink you ALL neglektet to do. Who's fault is zhat?” said Ludwig, crossing his arms and glaring at the three. 

The oldest Koopaling then turned to Morton, taking notice that he hadn’t said anything yet. 

“Ant vat about you?” asked Ludwig in defeat. 

Morton perked up, smiling and shaking his head. 

“Oh, no. I wasn’t planning anything important today. I’m pretty sure that if we didn’t have to do this, then I would probably be sitting in my room or something. I don’t know, I don’t really have a lot of things going on that I find important like Larry and Wendy, although if I did, I probably would be just as angry and annoyed as they are, but I’m not” said Morton, unable to help but smile. 

Ludwig nodded in understanding. 

He then sighed, clapping his hands and getting everyone's attention. 

“Alright, ze sooner ve get zis ofer vith for today, ze sooner you kan all go bakk to vhatefer it is you do zat keeps you busy from aktually learnink any nev Koopa Magik” said Ludwig. 

Iggy, Lemmy, Morton and Junior smiled and nodded in understanding, the three looking legitimately excited to learn some new spells.

Roy shrugged, his arms remaining crossed. 

Wendy sighed in annoyance, rolling her eyes as he rested a hand on her hip. 

Larry just hung his head, muttering something under his breath that no one could understand. 

Ludwig refrained from sighing again, the Koopalings all coming together and standing in a single file line, side-by-side as they waited for their eldest brother to start explaining. 

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