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With Ludwig: 

The oldest Koopaling was pacing back and forth in his room. 

It was currently night, a little past midnight. 

He had been unable to sleep, unlike last night. 

The same night he murdered a Koopa Troopa. 

Ludwig scowled. 

He recalled taking a shower, to wash the blood from his face, arms and hair. After that, he went to bed and slept peacefully. 

He didn’t even remember doing any of that until AFTER laying his eyes upon the dead Koopa Troopa in the bag. 

The memories of last night had suddenly rushed back to him, making him feel horrible. He felt even more horrible when he confirmed that it HAD indeed been HIM who had done the murder. 

Ludwig stopped pacing, now thinking. 

He could leave the Dark Land Kingdom for a while, until this entire situation blows over, but he couldn’t. 

It would make him seem too suspicious, especially if he left without telling anyone. 


He would just have to stay and hope no one else made him angry. 

It seemed that his…’Kooky’ side only came out whenever someone made him mad. 

That made it unfortunate for him, considering Roy always made him mad. 

Actually, most of the Koopalings made him mad, he just didn’t show it because it would be childish trying to argue with someone who was around Larry and Morton’s ages. Even arguing with Junior would be childish of him. 

And he was anything BUT childish. 

Ludwig sighed, glancing over at the open curtains, the moonlight spilling into his room.

It made his room seem more...peaceful, what with the mood and overall vibe. 

He had gotten more into the classical arts, mostly piano and classical music. He did have other classical instruments, mostly string instruments such as violins and a cello, but they were hanging on the wall near his piano. He just preferred playing the piano because he felt more at peace when playing it, like an instant connection, the music flowing right through him. 

Ludwig averted his eyes away from the window, looking down at his hands, his thoughts going back to what was more important at the moment. 

If he even tried leaving, disappearing for a while, Bowser would surely send a search team to go find him. 

And he was a Koopaling, nobody would even want him in their kingdom, especially not in the Mushroom Kingdom. 

He would just have to stay and keep a low profile about it. 

He also needed to get rid of those jars full of organs that were in the fridge in his lab. He didn’t want them in the castle, in case Bowser had his lab searched. 

He doubts it, though, since mostly everyone in the castle forgot about his lab. 

But still, he couldn’t take the chance, and the dried blood all over the floor and metal table also needed to be cleaned up. 

He perked up, checking the time once more. 

It was past midnight, he should be able to clean up his lab and dispose of the evidence properly this time, before anyone even found out. 

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