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With the Koopalings: 

The Koopalings had all walked in silence, heading back to the stairs leading to the first and second floors. 

They had just locked their eldest brother up in a prison cell, leaving him there before telling Bowser what he had done in the morning. 

Nobody dared say a single word. 

Roy sighed, stopped, causing the others to halt in their tracks. 

“Look, guys, dis be just as hard fo' me than dat shit be fo' yo'. I mean...dude’z our olda brother, meanin' dude has ta protect us. I don't want ta do dis ta him, since dude’z still our brother, but...dat shit has ta be done if I want ta protect yo' guys. In tha state he’z in, we don't know what he’s fuckin’ capable o'” admitted Roy, clenching his fists in anger. 

The others exchanged worried glances, minus Junior, who just looked away. 

“The way Ludwig talked about it….it seems like he’s been trying to deal with this all on his own. Maybe there is some way we can help him...should we delay telling father, perhaps?” asked Iggy, now thinking. 

Lemmy refrained from nodding. 

“Yeah! I don’t want dad to execute him...he made that promise to us that if he found the one responsible...they’d be executed…” said Lemmy, glancing away. 

Wendy crossed her arms. 

“I admit, maybe what I said was a little harsh, and even I feel bad about it. But we have to remember, he KILLED two guards, and he probably did with the eight missing ones, too. Is it really safe for us to try and help him?” asked Wendy. 

Morton nodded, having put his video camera away. 

“Yeah, we HAVE to try and help him! He’s our brother, and we have to do what we can to help. We should wait a bit before we tell dad, see if there’s something we can do to help Ludwig before we do. We can’t give up on him, we have to show him that we DO care about him, because if we don’t, he’ll hate us forever. If he escapes, what if he tries getting revenge on us?” asked Morton, looking worried. 

Roy sighed in annoyance, turning around and crossing his arms.

“Exactly. What if dude tries exactin' revenge? What if he escapes sometime tonight, n' we wouldn't even know dat shit until we're layin' on da ground, dead. We can't risk dat. We have ta tell dad in tha mornin'. Yo' heard how fuckin’ happy he sounded when he explained how he felt 'bout killin'. Dude’z too fa gone, Kooky took dat shit too fa” said Roy, frowning. 

The others looked away, nodding in understanding. 

Junior had remained silent the entire time, thinking. 

Roy sighed again, shaking his head as he took a keyring out of his shell, the thing holding three keys. 

“Me, Morton n' Junior gotta git ta tha lab n' see what dat shit’z all 'bout. Wendy, Iggy, Lemmy n' Larry gotta go ta Kooky’z room ta see what dude’z been writin' in his fuckin' journal” ordered Roy, handing one of the keys to Wendy. 

Wendy nodded, but then frowned, noticing that one of them was absent. 

“Hey, where IS Larry? Wasn’t he with us just a few minutes ago?” asked Wendy, raising an eyebrow in confusion. 

The others began looking around, seeing that Larry was, indeed, gone. 

Iggy shrugged. 

“I BELIIIEEEVE I had seen him sneak off sometime before Roy let go of Ludwig” asked Iggy, pushing up his glasses so they were resting on his snout properly. 

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