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With Ludwig: 

It had been three days since Iggy and Lemmy ran off while screaming their heads off. 

Three days and the other Koopalings had stopped acting suspicious, keeping him in the dark about something. 

The oldest Koopaling had found it odd, especially since the other Koopalings had been keeping a close eye on him lately. 

Ludwig had no idea what to think of this. 

He chose to ignore it, though, since they had stopped acting suspicious and were all back to their normal selves. 

But on the bright side, he had been correct about his theory. 

If he could spend some more time with the other Koopalings instead of ignoring them and staying in his room most of the time, then he finds that his Kooky side will NOT try coming out.

It could have something to do with the fact that he didn't want any of them getting hurt, but he wasn't entirely sure just yet.  

That is, if nobody does something to make him angry. 

He had been happy to find that it was working, but it was only temporary. 

As soon as he tried isolating himself and going to his room to be alone, he could feel himself turning, his Kooky side trying to come out. 

Unfortunately, he was unable to stop the temptation of killing, feeling the satisfaction as he watched the life drain from his victims. He had given up on trying to stop himself, letting it happen. 

He had not given up on trying to get rid of his Kooky side, but had not made an attempt at actually doing so, knowing that whatever he tried doing would not work. 

It was always at night, when everyone was asleep. 

He had knocked out several Koopa Troopas, Hammer Bros, and a Boomerang Bro and had brought them down to his lab, tying them up and making sure they didn’t escape before ripping them to pieces. 

He even stopped discarding the bodies, leaving them scattered in his lab. 

The floor, table, and surgical tools were coated with blood, the entire room filled with the stench of bitter copper. 

Ludwig chuckled, having just finished ripping a Koopa Troopa’s arms off, the Koopa Troopa barely alive as he blinked slowly. 

Seeing this, Ludwig grinned, still holding the bone saw he used to saw off the Koopa Troopa’s arms. 

“I see you’re still...ALIVE! *chuckle* I must say, I’m IMPRESSED with your strong will to LIVE, but alas, you WILL die. We ALL do at some point, you’re just UNLUCKY to be dying so soon” said Ludwig, grinning sinisterly as he held the saw up against the Koopa Troopa’s neck. 

The Koopa Troopa’s eyes widened, shaking his head, unable to speak because of his lack of tongue. Ludwig had ripped it out after the Koopa Troopa had started screaming in pain.  

Ludwig removed the saw away from the Koopa Troopa’s neck, chuckling.  

“Hmm...maybe you deserve a BETTER way to die, don’t you THINK? Perhaps I should just leave you here to BLEED OUT and DIE a slow and painful death!” asked Ludwig, grinning. 

He turned his attention to the final Koopa Troopa, Hammer Bro, and Boomerang Bro, the three still tied up in the corner of the room. 

They were bound and gagged, unable to speak, forced to watch Ludwig tearing their friends to pieces. 

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