Fifty Seven

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© All copyrights belong to StarsAndMoon1447 on Wattpad


Originally published: 09th September 2020


It was three in the morning, and instead of sleeping like I desperately wanted to, we stood by Hania's crib, staring down at her as she finally fell asleep.

"That kid really has a set of lungs on her." I muttered.

"I blame that on you." Fawad wrapped an arm around my shoulders and I leaned against him, feeling tired. 

In reply, I whacked the back of my hand against his stomach. "Just for that, you have to go and get me something to eat as I'm hungry now." 

He grabbed the wrist of my hand that I had used to hit him, and turned me around slightly so that I was facing him directly. "Oh, are you now? Because I'm as well." With a wink, he leaned down towards me and I backed up, bumping slightly into Hania's crib.

"Allah! Behave yourself." I whispered, tossing a glance over my shoulder to make sure that Hania hadn't woken up. My chest was rising and falling rapidly, as my heartbeat and breathing increased by his proximity. I began to walk past him, but he kept a grip on my wrist.

"You know, you really shouldn't have left me." He said, pulling me back into his arms, this time with my back pressed against his chest. 

I winced. "Is it time you yell at me for that?" 

"Initially, that's what I wanted to do." He leaned down, his lips barely brushing my neck, his breath tickling my neck and make me want to do things that I wasn't technically allowed to do at the moment, as per my doctor. "But then I saw you holding Hania when you got back from the hospital, and the look on your face immediately started cooling down my anger. It completely disappeared when you got a fever, but I have to say, Mina, I'm still disappointed." 

If this is what he did to me while he was disappointed, what would he do if he was happy with me? The thought made me blush furiously.

His hand pressed against my stomach as his lips finally satisfied the need of the skin of my neck. "I've missed you, Mina. While we were still physically together, it's just so hard to resist you." 

"I miss you too." I spoke softly. 

He released me, and taking my hand, took me to the bed. Maybe because it had literally been months since we had been physically intimate, but I couldn't help checking him out. His height, his bare back, and his strong biceps; everything that I normally found attractive about him was magnified by the long break we'd had to endure. I loved having those arms wrapped around me in bed. I felt completely safe in his embrace. 

I glanced down at myself. I wore dark red shorts and a matching low-neck camisole, something only he was allowed to see me in. Anytime someone came to the door, I had to quickly throw on a floor-length dressing gown, but as it was just him and me, I felt confident enough to wear it. If I'd ever worried about how I physically looked after childbirth, the way he looked at me made me feel like the most attractive person in the world. That's the kind of love that I'd always wanted, someone who made me feel like I was a supermodel even at my worst, and appreciating me for who I am at the same time.

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