Twenty Five

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© All copyrights belong to StarsAndMoon1447 on Wattpad



*WARNING: Some serious issues mentioned in this chapter.**


Originally published: 12th August 2020


<Jasmina: Come and have breakfast with us!>

I set my phone down after texting my husband. He might be asleep after his night shift, but if he wasn't, he might as well join us.

 I was still seething, just remembering the fact that Aliya and Laiba had thought that Laiba had more of a right to be here than Fawad. 

I still remembered my determination to talk to Laiba. I know that talking to her would probably be equivalent to banging my head against a brick wall, but I couldn't just let it go. 

Fawad messaged me back.

<Fawad: I would, but I have no intention or energy to get out of bed right now. Guess I'll just have to starve then ;)>

<Jasmina: Are you doing that on purpose to make me feel bad?>

<Fawad: Of course not. I'm actually starving, but I don't have the strength to make myself something to eat.>

I dialled his number immediately. "You better just be joking!"

"Assalam Alaikum, jaan." He sounded sleepy and amused.

"Walaikum Assalam." I frowned. "Are you hungry? Fawad, get your backside of the bed and get something to eat, otherwise I'll come over there myself and make you eat!" 

He laughed. "Is that a promise?" 

"Dr Fawad Ali, I swear, I..." I froze as Ammi appeared in the doorway, raising both eyebrows at me. " very concerned about you. Please eat something." My tone immediately changed to soft and loving.

"Someone walked in?" He laughed harder. "In that case, meri jaan, I don't think I'm going to eat anything. I'm going to sleep hungry." 

I clenched my jaw, knowing how much he was enjoying teasing me. And then I knew exactly how to counter that. "Fine, if you won't, I won't either, and that's a promise." 

"For the love of Allah, Mina." He sighed. "I'm teasing  you. I ate when I got back from work at seven." 

"Good. I have to go now, because Ammi owes me a lecture over how I was talking to you when she came in." I smiled at my mother, who frowned at me. "She's seriously mad. Oops. I need to fix this. Allah Hafiz." I hung up quickly. "Ammi!" 

 "When will you grow up, Jasmina?" She shook her head. "You have such a loving, caring, respectful husband. Why don't you respect him in return?" 

"Ammi, I do!" I gave her a hug, trying to get rid of her annoyance. "This is just our way of messing around with each other. If I felt like I was offending him, I wouldn't do it." Something dawned on me and I pulled back to look at her. "But you knew that already. You know us very well. What's going on?" 

"Seeing Ahad really gets to me." She sighed. "He's the tough, rebellious son, and now it seems like he's been completely brainwashed by his wife. She gives him zero respect, and he just does everything she says, no matter how insulting it is for the rest of us." 

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