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Shadows. Hands. Clawing and scraping. The sound of a tree creaking. Lightning forks the sky. I look up...she's not here. She's not here. She can't be here.

But the figure swings in the dark, hanging limp from the gallows tree. I can't move. I'm frozen in place. My hands turn cold, shaking at my sides. I try to swallow, but the lump in my throat feels like glass. I want to cry and scream and run, but I'm held, transfixed.

She's cast a spell on me. She must have.

The trees surrounding seem to moan their displeasure. The wind picks up, carrying with it the cold of the north. Silhouettes of the woods surrounding stretch and lean for me, branches as claws that cover the night sky. There is no light, save the orange glow on the horizon. Mom's favorite.

I stare in horror, dread sickening me, as the figure finally turns to face me. Her face is shrouded in her grayish brown hair. Her features are cold, devoid of any life and emotion. Black eyes peer up at me, mouth falling open to emit a low growl. "Traitor..."

Water runs at my feet. When I look down, it's encompassed my ankles. I'm sinking in it, like mud. When I try to move it feels like wet sand, rising, rising. Green light glows all around. The river seems to laugh at my desperation when I'm thrashing to get out. It's up to my knees now, soon my hips. I stare up at the figure, screaming, "Why don't you help me? Do something!"

The figure seems to crack a smile, swinging still from the noose turning her neck purple. She turns gradually, her back to me now.

I can actually feel my heart fracture. The river grows stronger, and I'm struggling to swim, but the bank has my feet like glue. I kick and scream, calling out to anyone that might help. The wind howls. The trees grow over the moon, my only source of light. The horizon disappears, and my screams turn to a gurgle as I drown in darkness.


The Witch of NorthesterWhere stories live. Discover now