In the Night

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I exited the bedroom, breathing through the shakes and sweat of having had helped Kelan's mother. Meredith passes me in the hallway, on her way saying, "I've called the real doctor. He will be here before the hour's up."

"Good. Maybe then I can get some sleep." I held my forehead, leaning back to hit the door. What am I to do? I felt useless. Helpless. There's no point in my being here, none whatsoever. The woman is delirious! She drones on and on about the heart of the river. She mentions Northester. The sisterhood. She talks to me as if I'm my mother-

I'll be just as mad before the night's through!

The door opens and Kelan steps out, whispering, "Well?"

I shake my head. "There's no point in my being here."

"Nonsense." He was drying his hands with the towel. "My mother seems to think you have an amulet of sorts. A power to fasten her spirit to this world."

"That is the definition of nonsense." I shook my head, looking at him with pleading eyes. "I told you. I'm not my mother. She's dying, and there's very little to do aside from numb the pain."

Kelan glanced to the door, his hands stopped moving. He tossed the towel over his shoulder, leaning down to whisper, "You had stones back at your shop."

I shook my head. "Mineral salts and talisman-"

"Yes! A talisman! Perhaps...a green one? My mother loves the color green."

I squint at him. "What on earth are you talking about?"

"That's just...what my mother needs. A talisman."

I couldn't help but laugh. "The only reason I kept them in my shop was because my mother believed in their powers and I can't deny the placebo effect-"

"Right! Right! So the same will work on my mother! Even more so, since she was a part of the sisterhood she might be kin to believe!"

I gave him a sad, sympathetic expression to which he spat, "Don't look at me like that."

I rested a hand on his arm, dropping my eyes. "Your old. She's frail. She's sick."

He shuddered, taking a step back. I thought he would leave, but instead he took both hands to my elbows, holding me in place. He jerked me until I looked up at him, startled. "What was my mother talking about back there? The heart of the river?"

I frowned. "I've no idea."

His fingers clenched my arms and I flinched from the pain. "A green...river?"

A green stone. I peered up at him curiously. "What do you know about it?"

He shook his head, jerking me again. "I know my mother! I know sh- she had something back in Northester. Something important!"

I shook my head. Say it isn't so-

"A necklace," he hissed, his teeth gnashing near my hairline. "An emerald...necklace."

I feel every hair on my body stand erect. I stiffen, trying to escape his grasp. "I don't know what you're talking about-"

"You do! I know you do!"

"How!" I demanded, becoming just as angry.

Kelan licked his lips, teeth clenched briefly before he hissed, "She told me...she gave it to your mother the night she left for town. That same day your mother was hung."

I suddenly feel faint.

"Your mother had it...and unless they ravaged the burning corpse of a have it."

I gulp, still feeling dizzy when Meredith returned with a man in a suit holding his top hat against his chest. "Everything alright here?" He looked quizzically from Kelan to me.

Kelan gently released me, drawing me close while turning a smile to charm him. "All is well, doctor. Your patient is awfully talkative today."

"Yes. So I've heard." He squinted, eyeing me suspiciously. "Who might your new guest be? Girlfriend? Fiance?"

"No." We answered at once, throwing a look to each other. I couldn't help the faint fall of my heart.

He chuckled. "Sometimes strife is the best matchmaker."

"This is Zelda," Meredith introduced. "She's an herbalist from Northester."

"An herbalist?"

"An advanced one, apparently." The sarcasm in her voice was not lost on me.

"Well. I look forward to working with you." He smiled. "I'm sure you're looking to pick up some tricks from a professional."

I merely smiled, biting back my own retort.

The doctor and Meredith disappeared into the bedroom, once again leaving me standing in the hall with Kelan. When he moved toward me, I held up both hands from him and stepped back. "Stay away from me!"

"We need to talk-"

"I need a bath," I argued, pointing a glare at him. "And rest. You need to rethink how you want to approach this subject tomorrow."

He stiffened, hands clenching and unclenching at his sides whilst watching me leave. Once I turned down the next hall, I ran the rest of the way to my room.

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