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We returned to his home late after midnight. The night was quiet, the lanterns lit, and alone. So alone.

Strangely, this was what I wanted. A chance to rethink what I had admitted, how I felt...

I wanted Kelan. Even more than I had wanted Bran. And I wanted him to want me. I wanted him to like me. To take me into his arms-

"What're you thinking about?" He nudged my elbow playfully.

I smiled, blushed, and shook my head. "Nothing of consequence." Lies. Utter lies.

The consequences would be great. But could I resist?

"I think I know."

We had stepped up to the porch, and he stopped me at the door. I was backed up against the brick, his arms on either side above my head, enclosing me in a space where the only thing we could share were our words. "Kelan, look-"

"Are you scared of me?"

I frowned. "That's the second time you've asked that."

"I only ask because every time I get close, you look as if you want to run away." He tilted his head, curious. "Why is that?"

I tried to breathe in deeply, but my jitters would not calm down. My heart continued to pound. My breathing became more shallow, and I felt slightly lightheaded. "Because...of how you make me feel?"

"And..." he leaned in close. "How do I make you feel?"

I looked up to him. My mouth parted to utter the words, until my eyes dropped down to his. The smile was fading, his face coming closer...those lips coming closer. " I'm somebody else."


"Like...I'm somebody who could be loved." I looked up into his eyes once more. "Like I could be loved."

A gentle smile, and then that smile was pressed against me in the most tender ways. I closed my eyes, savoring the moment. I didn't want to move risk disrupting the serenity, but his arms found me as if he could read my mind.

We barged into the house. I thought about Meredith, until I remembered the quarters being down below. Kelan was taking off my clothings while we were on our way to my room, lip-locked and groping. I made efforts to remove his suit, his shirt. Once we were safe behind my door I fought against the buckle on his pants.

He laughed lightly. "Eager, are we?"

"Aren't you?"

Kelan chuckled ruefully, but paused a moment to lift my chin, taking in every detail of my features before whispering, "I never imagined you might feel so right to me."

"And?" I giggled, pulling him with me to the bed.

"And so..." His hand lighted the mounds on my chest above my corset, bunched like tight plums ready to pop free at any moment. "And so...deliciously enchanting."

"You think I'm enchanting?" I smiled. "Somehow I find that amusing."

"You are...indeed...unlike any other woman I've encountered before?"

"Have you encountered several?" I shot back.

He shut me up with another kiss, briskly untying the strings on my corset until it fell free from my chest. His hands found my breasts, massaging them firmly before climbing on top of me on my bed.

"Careful," I purr, scooting back against the headboard. "Wouldn't want to get ahead of yourself."

"Too late for that, my dear." He cupped my cheek, tilting my head back so that my neck became exposed. In a flash, his teeth cinched against it in an instant and I gasped. He straddled me, holding onto a breast with one hand and reaching the other to grab a handful of hair, tugging to keep my neck taught. I gasped again, letting out a groan at sensing the bulge pressed against my hip.

I slid down onto the bed once he loosened his grip, widening my legs to welcome him into me. His weight on top of me was comforting. Like I wasn't alone.

I didn't realize how tired of that I am.

"You're a tease," I giggled when he gently caressed my cheek, trailing a finger down into the crevice between my breasts.



His hand dipped down to find that sweet spot and I gasped, my back arching. "And...a villain..."

"And...?" He crooned massaging the area gently.

I squirmed, feeling the need pulsating from below. He kept me firm in place, against my will to struggle to release that urge, to find what I wanted. "'re torturing me!"

"And?" He dipped his fingers in, cupping the spot until I jerked, letting out a loud groan, my head lifted off the pillow.

"Pure...ecstasy." I fell back against the pillow, still quivering from the aftershock as wave after wave rippled through me.

"Oh dear," He came close, kissing me before finding me with his own spot. "I've only just begun."

The Witch of NorthesterWhere stories live. Discover now