The Dead Will Stare

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The bedroom door was opened, and Kelan rushed in to his mother's side. "Mother?"

I hung back, pulling the doctor aside to whisper, "What's wrong?"

He shook his head, looking tired and wane. "It's time."

I instinctively clutched his arm, my eyes returning to where Kelan knelt beside her, taking her hand in his. "Mother, talk to me. What can I do?"

She groaned something, but her eyes remained closed. She remained completely still. You wouldn't even know she were alive. "K...elan..."

"I'm here, Mother. I'm here."


He looked up to me, and I averted his eyes.

"Zelda?" He stood, ushering me over.

I shook my head, resisting. "I told you. I don't have it."

"You don't have to tell me." He looked cross with me, his brow furrowed low over his eyes. Gesturing with his hand, he motioned for me. "Come."

I stepped forward, hesitantly stopping at the end of her bed.

"Closer." He said it, gruff. Without any patience.

I didn't want to compare this Kelan to the carefree man of last night. He's scared. He's hurting. And he's angry that I've wasted his time.

Tears filled my eyes at the idea of him bringing me here SOLELY for the stone. I thought he had faith in me, in my work. But it turns out the 'news' that had been circulating around the city was about as nonexistent as the magical properties of a sisterhood jewel.

Time to go home.

"Tell her." Kelan's tone was almost cold.

I looked up at him, repugnant.

His expression, his voice softened. "Please. Tell her."

I didn't want to, but I suppose I owed it to the older woman. How do you tell someone their only hope for survival, the miracle they've been counting on...doesn't exist?

The closer I get, I realize she's paler than I first thought. I could hardly tell she was breathing, and she looked as if she lay at death's door. My heart went out to Kelan, but I came as close as I dared to her bedside. "Ma'am? It's me. Zelda."

She didn't open her eyes, but I saw her thin lips tremble a brief smile. "Agathe..."

"No, ma'am. Zelda-"

"...daughter..." She let out a deep sigh. "You have something for me?"

I shivered, glancing at Kelan. He stood by the side, watching me with both arms crossed.

"No, ma'am." I straightened, even as her hand reached out in search for mine.


"I don't know what you mean-"

"Zelda." Kelan's sharp tone returned. "She's on her deathbed. She doesn't have time to chew the fat."

I looked back to her, biting my lower lip. Don't make me say it...please...

"S...stone..." She breathed out again.

Closing my eyes, I let a tear fall as I whispered, "I don't have it."

Her eyes briefly opened then, looking to me curiously. "Agathe?"

"I don't have it," I went on. "I...I left it behind."

She looked so betrayed.

"Left...what behind?" The doctor overheard.

"It's just a necklace!" I splayed my hands, blurting out at once, "It doesn't have powers! It can't save her-"

"Powers?" The doctor looked to Kelan in alarm. "What on earth is she talking about?"

"Nothing, nothing." Kelan suddenly looked nervous.

"Why don't you tell him?" My eyes narrowed on him.

He stood, staring down at the floor and holding his chin.

"Tell me what?"

"That I'm a witch." I threw up my hands. "To put it in layman's terms? I come from the town of Northester."

The doctor suddenly looked terribly uncomfortable. "'re here to...bring her back from the dead?"

I paled. "No! No, that's not what I meant."

"Now I get why you've been hanging around, waiting." He looked horribly angry. He turned to leave, but caught Meredith on the way out. "And I thought you said this was a Christian household."

Meredith straightened, lifting her chin in the air in defiance.

Kelan shot me a look. "What have you done!"

"What you should've done from the start!" I hissed. "Tell the truth!"


We all turned to the bed. Kelan's mother was rising up, sitting up straight. Her eyes were wide open, mouth gaping, aghast. We stood, staring in fright, as she reached out in front of her. "Sister?"

And them, she fell back against the pillow.


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