Into the Clouds

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I started awake. Kelan stood over me, face drawn. "What's wrong?"

"Ah...Meredith...thinks that it's time for you to go." He wouldn't look at me when he said it. "We're...grateful...for you're attempts but...I have affairs to settle here."

I sat up, wondering if there was something I did wrong. "Kelan, talk to me." I took his hand. He pulled away, walking to the other side of my room. Weeks ago, this same man claimed he hoped I never wanted to leave. Now he's asking me to? "What did I do wrong?"

"Nothing." He didn't turn around. "It's Meredith. She...doesn't want you here."

I know I'm not getting along with Meredith as well as I would like, and she might even resent me for my efforts, but this didn't sound like her. Not after what she said yesterday. Not after her insistence that I be here for him, now more than ever. "What aren't you telling me?"

"Just go." His voice was almost a whisper.

I'm up out of bed, hurrying over. "Kelan-"

"Go!" He flung his arm outward, charging out the door, slamming it behind him.

I was left standing in shock. What is happening?

Meredith had a carriage waiting for me, loaded with all my things. She didn't give me the warmest goodbye, but her smile was sincere. "Come back at any time. You are always welcome."

I glanced up to the stairs, where I knew Kelan was hiding in his room. "I didn't get that sensation."

"He's grieving." And she put a hand on my arm, squeezing reassuringly. "He'll come back."

I stepped out into the cold, shrugging on my coat. "Let him know he's always welcome in Northester."

She nodded, giving a sad smile. "I'm sure he'll come calling before you know it. He's the clouds right now."

I wasn't sure, but I had hopes. We had so much in common, and while I considered him a friend...something in me wanted more. HOPED for more.

I started toward the carriage, turning briefly to look up at the windows in the upper floors. Sure enough, a curtain fell back into place, but the figure continued to frame the window, standing to the side. He's watching me.

I gave a small smile and wave before climbing into the carriage. The driver closed the door, and we were off. My eyes were on the house until it faded in the distance. By the time I turned back around to wait for the journey ahead to end...I was sobbing.

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