Where the Future of the Fate will Lead

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The bonfire was a lively affair, per usual. Everyone dressed up to dance around the light of the flame in the night. Embers spiraled up, clouds of smoke curling into the starry night sky. Aloft, an orange moon hovered and lended its glow.

People from the city who decided to stay the night helped themselves to the merry rum at the tavern. A few mild brawls broke out, much to the dismay of wife-mothers who dragged their husbands out by the ears or sent in one of their children to fetch the old man home.

As for the young at heart, the spritely single ones who'd yet to find such a one, this is certainly the night to do it.

I wandered around the clearing, meandering through the half-drunken haze of the crowd who barely noticed me. For once, being invisible felt like a good thing. I may not have been welcomed in Northester, but I could observe, wonder and still manage to be a part of festivities overall.

"Zelda!" Fresca gasped, her baubly cheeks rosy from the heat of the flame and the spirits that thickened her blood to drunkeness. "I didn't think you'd come!"

"Well, here I am." I added at sight of the onlookers beginning to whisper, "For a drink or two. I have to be up early tomorrow."

"Oh, nonsense! We can open the shop late enough. Northester folk will understand. Live a little!"

"I'm leaving, remember?" My eyebrows went up and hers went down. "With Kelan. To the city?"

"I remember," she grumbled, taking another swig from her flask.

"Look after my shop while I'm gone?" I can tell she wants this conversation to end, but I pull her in, my tone firm. "Promise?"

"Don't worry about your mom's shop!" She practically hissed. Spittle of rum speckled my cheek. "Go run off with your boy toy. Don't worry about me here. Nothing at-all is gonna happen."

I hope not . I know she's not her best self right now. It's best she sleep it off.

I watch as Fresca disappears into the crowd, grumbling and more cranky than before. People fade away from her, recognizing the dark mood as she fades into the background.

"Is it true?"

I turn. "Bren!"

He stands there before me, dressed in a brown tailored coat, a billowy white shirt, and trousers. He's clean-shaven, his rusty wet locks cascading around like wilf tendrils about his face. His eyes stand out to me, full of vigor. Fierceness.

He wants something. I shudder to think of what it could be.

"Is it true?" He repeats, closing the gap between us.

"I don't know what you mean-"

"That you're running off. With that city man." Why...he looks almost angry about it.

Not above stoking the fires of envy, I tilted my head with a sly grin. "Ah. Yes. I did promise you that first trip, didn't I?"

"It's dangerous, Zelda." He grit his teeth, motioning desperately around him. "As if it isn't enough the people here in Northester don't want you, you beg the wolves of the city to cast you out as well?"

"A bit overdramatic-"

"They'll eat you alive!"

I stop, a sharp intake of breath the last sound I make before realizing we've drawn the attention of various members of the crowd. Deterring from the bonfire, I head to the outskirts of the town, where the trees were thin enough not to get lost but just enough not to feel like you're being spied on.

"Zelda!" Bren caught up with me and grabbed my arm.

"What do you want from me?"

"Why the city?" He looked like he was on the verge of panicking. Between him and Fresca, I couldn't tell who was being more overprotective. "Just stay here and figure things out-"

"By figure things out you mean close up shop." I huffed. "Kelan knows people in the city. My work will be appreciated-"

He scoffed, "He told you that?"

I stiffened, crossing my arms defensively. "As a matter of fact, he did."

"And you believed him?"

Now I'm mad. "Maybe it's nice to get a compliment of appreciation around here instead of a rejection because someone's father doesn't approve of my career choices!"

Bren came closer, tipping his head down to mine. "I never meant to hurt you."

My eyes filled with tears. "You did."

"I don't know what awaits you in the city, but I can guarantee it will only be harder on you if you come back."

I twirled around one of the nearby trees. "Maybe I don't want to come back."

He met me on the other side. The moonlight shifted, and I saw worry in his eyes. "You would leave Northester for good?"

Oh, those eyes. Those delicious brown eyes I once drowned in like honeyed maple. That look used to make my knees weak. My heart race. Hell, it STILL is, but I can't let myself succumb. No matter how much he looks like he wants me...

He never did.

"I'm ready to move on, Bren." I sighed. Whereever the future of our fates lead...clearly it isn't meant to be with each other."

"Just like that?"

"You're the one who told me I had to sell my mom's shop just to court!"

He glowered. "And you're the one who thinks some stupid herbal shop is more important than me." Turning, he stalked down from the trees with his fists clenched. "It's clear to me now what means more to you."

I ran after him, yanking him back by the arm. "That's not fair!"

"You refused me!"

"You refused me FIRST!" My eyes were wet now, desperate and angry. "You said you loved me! Why can't you see how important this shop is?"

"Why should the workplace of a witch hold any place in your heart?" He sucked in a cold breath, eyes turned to stone. "Unless you were one yourself."

I let him go. It's for the best. Kelan believes in me, and as long as I have SOMEONE who's on my side, I won't falter.

I just hope whatever waits for me in the city is more tolerable than Northester. I never want to come back here. Not ever.

The Witch of NorthesterWhere stories live. Discover now