In Wake of the Past

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Cold hands grab me. Fingers like claws take hold of my limbs, leaving purple prints against my skin. I fade in and out of consciousness, but sense a warm body near me. The shadow is gone, but the night sky still fades in and out. I see stars, then I see fire. I see the moon, and then a golden teardrop falling.

I'm fighting for consciousness, but when I finally manage to catch slips of real time, I recognize I'm being, a pair of strong arms. A familiar face smiles down on me, clutching me against his strong chest. "Hey, there. You alright?"

I can't answer. I fade out again, my head resting against his shoulder. As long as I am with another human, I suppose I'm safe enough.

I assume it's minutes that pass by me in unconsciousness, but when I awake the light of approaching dawn suggests it's been hours. I'm wrapped in blankets, laying in a bed stuffed with a straw pallet beneath a loft. Someone's cabin...

The fire crackles warm, and a figure stands tall against the mantle, fingering the hands of the clock sitting atop.

I know this place...

"Where..." I struggle to sit up. "Where am I?"

The face turns, and I'm delighted to recognize the face. "Kelan?"

He smiled, boots scuffing across the floor as he approaches. "You fell off your horse in the woods."

"Helda..." I had to find her.

"Whoa, now." He presses a gentle hand against my shoulder, pushing me back against the wall when I try to get up. "You've been sleeping for nearly 6 hours."

"I have to get my horse-"

"Wherever she is, I'm sure she won't get much farther." His smile is kind. His eyes glint on me, flicking occasionally down to where my breasts are half exposed over my corset.

I blush, adjusting. "I'm a mess-"

"A beautiful...mess."

"You're too kind," I scoff, pushing back my mangled curls, desperately looking around for a brush. "I know this place-"

"The inn," he confirms.

My eyes focus on the room and I'm able to pick out the details. The lodge on the outskirts of the woods, outside of Northester. "You're staying here?" I query.

He nods. "I'm not much for small towns. The people like to gossip."

"Oh, and Cady certainly isn't one for that." Although, the 54-year old innskeeper has stayed out of Northester for her own reasons, so I've heard.

"How did you find me?" I asked. Had I really gone so far into the woods to miss my own house?

"I heard a noise outside," he offered. "I found you against the tree, rolling and moaning about. I figured you might be more comfortable brought inside." He smirked. "Next to a warm fireplace, with a handsome man of chivalry."

"So modest," but I smiled back.

Footsteps down the stairs, and I looked up to see Cady's rosy complexion peer at me over the railing. "Ah. Zelda. You're awake."

I nod.

"You'll be owin' me for lodgin'. Sixpence." She started for the kitchen without asking any questions, just expecting me to accept this bargain.

"I'll pay for her stay." Kelan suddenly stood.

Cady nodded brusquely. "So long as I get my earnin's. I'm not runnin' a poorhouse."

"Kelan, no." I grab his arm. He looks down at me, a strong look on his face as if I dare not argue. "I can cover sixpence." I tried not to think about how light my purse is already.

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