As in this Life

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I was more than a little disturbed leaving Mrs. Potts. I didn't think she would...I mean, out of all the people in Northester...

Tears came to my eyes, and I wiped them away as they fell down my cheeks. My only last friend. The only person I had left to trust even told me I had to leave. It must be true. I don't have a choice anymore.

Looking up, I can see the sun is starting to set, passing through the thin line of cloudless sky to dip down in the horizon. I should be back in town before dark, and then Fresca and I will go home together. I would like to ask Bren to accompany. He was ready to stand for me against the whole town last night...I'm sure he wouldn't mind.

"I choose you!" the words made my heart warm. I closed my eyes, briefly shrugging up my shoulders in an invisible hug. He loves me. After all of this...even the fear of his father couldn't make him deny the feelings he had for me. And I no that no matter where I went, what I do, or even if I never see him again...Bren's first love will always belong to me.

That's got to be worth something.

I heard the twig snapping again. I heard the crows overhead, but this time I didn't turn until I recognized footsteps. By the time I did, a rough pair of hands grabbed me by the shoulder, flinging me sideways until my back struck the nearest tree off road. The shock blew the wind straight out of me, my eyes bugging as I try to reorient myself. The crows sound rabid above, cawing and flapping mercilessly. Am I dreaming again?'s the brother of Johnny beau, coming closer. His eyes are narrowing in on me, black as coal. His thin lips peeled back to reveal a snarl of snaggled teeth. He sneered at me, stalking closer with his hands balling into fists. "Witch."

I gasped, ducking when he threw a fist. He cried out as the knuckles struck the tree, but I had enough time to dip behind it, bringing the hem of my skirts upwards so I could run. He's chasing after me, and I hear the boots slamming over the ground as the caws continue their noise overhead. I want to scream at them to stop before I even address my attacker.

I circled another tree while reaching into my holster, having spaced us apart about three feet. He stops abruptly at sight of my pistol. "Don't move!" I hissed, struggling to catch my breath. Adrenaline is quickly becoming my enemy, making my breathing ragged and my hand shaky as I struggle to steady the barrel to the man's face.

He looks like he's ready to kill. The death of his brother is fueling this hatred I see in him now, but I can't give up. "I didn't do it!" I plead, opening my eyes wider to look more innocent. I want nothing more than to pull the trigger...but as soon as I do, the noise will carry and the town of Northester will be up in arms faster than I can reach the cottage. I'll be a dead woman before dawn.

"You did this to yourself, you know.," He snarled. "You killed my brother."

"I did no such thing-"

"Just like your mother killed." He cocked his head. "As in this echoes the next."

I shuddered.

"You think you've won? You think this will go away? You'll always be on the run because we'll be hunting you down to the ends of the earth until we have your head on a pike!"

"I'm warning you!" I thrust the pistol forward again when he attempted another step. "I- I don't want to kill you, but I will."

"You would."

"It's self defense, that's not the same thing-"

"You're a killer just like your mother."

I shook my head. "My mother hurt noone." And I found my heart felt empty at hearing my own words. Like a hollowed gong longing for the echo of belief...I hardly knew my mother or what she did. I know what I wanted to believe, but if I'm being honest I don't know if I can. I feel like I barely knew her, and yet I betrayed her as if I knew so well.

I had no right to defend her. I have no right to defend myself. I deserve whatever's coming to me.

He took the opening, lunging for my arm. I fired the shot, but I missed. The bullet zipped into a nearby tree, bark flying sideways as Beau's brother knocked me backwards to the ground. I tried to hit him with the pistol, now empty of all bullets and meaning. He wrestled it free and tossed it, pinning my arms down to the ground. I was still breathing heavily, having no choice but to look up at my attacker and wait. I am helpless. I am powerless.

And I am very afraid.

But instead of strangling me or spitting in my face, I notice the start of a leer on his face. "I always wondered why Johnny fancied you so."

I stop breathing.

His eyes are roving my corset, now open to reveal where my breasts bunch up to my chin. I want to roll my eyes, kick him off, and beat his ears until they bleed...

But he has me pinned good. I can't do anything without a nudge, without a slip.

He leans down and I can smell dank meat on his breath. I'm growing terribly tired from the adrenaline that's been spent. I close my eyes, listening as the crows sound maniac above us. Then...all is quiet. The wind dies down. The rustling stops in the trees. I hear...hooves...

He must hear it, too, for he quickly gets up but not before pulling me up with him. He has his hand around my throat next, and I feel the cold metal of a blade pressed at the base while he stands behind me. I see a tall man riding a, not just any horse. It's Helda.

"What do you think you're doing?"

"Disposing of the witch!" He licked his lips, rushing, "I think we should take her into town and-"


I gasp, falling forward as a bullet pierces through to his skull. Blood flies out of the front and back, and dribbles down between his eyes. I gasp. I stare at the blank expression of a confused Beau as he drops to his knees, and falls forward on his face. I want to scream, but the sound is stuck in my throat, so I just collapse and shake, panting heavily.

The man gets off his horse, walking over. He holds out a hand to me. "What say you, Zelda? Will you come with me now?"

I look up into his face, take his hand, and rise to my feet. "Yes, Kelan. I'm ready."

The Witch of NorthesterWhere stories live. Discover now