The Action Brings

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I rode Helda all the way back to my house, expecting Kelan to be there. But when I arrived, I could tell something was off. Helda even seemed nervous, shifting as I climbed down and tried to bring her forward. She didn't want to go anywhere near the house.

I decided to let her roam, charging to the front door. Before I threw it open, however, I noticed a dead crow at the base. I covered my mouth, keeping myself from throwing up. It looked like the thing had been bashed in with a rock, the head askew, ruffled wings twisted every which way. Blood stained the floorboards and the door behind it.

I was about to hurl, until I heard something behind it. Someone was inside my home. "Kelan?" I pushed through, stepping over the dead crow even as the body fell limp inside the doorway.

Upon entering my home, my mouth dropped agape. "W- what's going on here?" I whispered under my breath. The entire place was in disarray, ripped from top to bottom.

I heard a noise coming from my bedroom, and I immediately retrieved my pistol. Aiming it forward, I carefully stepped forward. Kelan stood near my dresser drawers, flingings the contents out behind him. He hadn't noticed me come in.


He jumped, cursing as his hip bumped against the open drawer. "Zelda! You're back. I was just...packing."

I looked around. "Funny way to pack."

"I couldn't find your luggage. I figured the fastest thing to do would be to throw everything in at once."

"All around the house?" I squinted. "What's going on?"

Kelan looked guilty as sin. He shook his head, cursing under his breath while raking back his hair. "Alright. I...I know how this looks."

I knew it, I didn't want to believe it. My stomach dropped, disappointment at his betrayal ripping the final seam in my heart. "You never planned on taking me back with you."

He stood, staring at me abashed, cracking his fingers anxiously at his sides. Finally, he admitted, "No."

I gasped, as if he had stabbed me in the chest. " were going to take the necklace, weren't you?"

"It's just a stone! I don't understand what your obsession is-"

"It' mother's." I shook my head. "It's all I have left-"

"You have her shop!"

"It's gone!" I blurted, the pistol shaking in my hand. "It's burning to the ground as we speak!"

He looked confused. Then, angry. "You never even loved your mom-"

"How could you say that? You know of the guilt that's haunted me all these years. Would I be feeling any such way if I hadn't the least bit of care for my deceased parent?"

"No? Yes? Maybe. Look, I have to go-"

I stepped in his way, gesturing with the pistol. "Where is it?"

He frowned. "What?"

"Where did you put it? You're not leaving this home with it."

He looked at me, ludicrous. Gently, he pushed the barrel away with his fingers, coming close to murmur in my ear, "The only thing you inherited from your mother is her paranoia. Of that I am certain."

I didn't argue with him further, listening to his boots storm out the door. I charged forward to the jewelry box where mother's necklace was, expecting to see it safe and snug. If he had been tearing through the house looking for it still, he couldn't have found it, right?

But no. As soon as I opened the box my heart sank further.

It was empty.

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