The Mountain Stairs

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I'm dreaming again. I must be. There are clouds at my feet. I don't know where I am. The sun is going down, but I can see it as a visible orb in the sky. It's not so bright. The moon behind it is much larger, rising like a behemoth in comparison.

My feet are bare, and my arms are tied with rope. I try to wrestle out of them, but the knots get tighter. I can only walk. I'm wearing a tattered, black garb. The hem of which is torn all the way up to my knees, skirts trailing behind me and catching on the crags and rocks as I go on, as I go forward.

I can feel something in me telling me to go up.

I look up again at the sun, and I see it setting atop two giant stone pillars. There are stone steps leading up to it, like an altar.

What sacrifice am I to bring? Who is it for?

I go on. I continue to climb up.

The moon is fading, but it grows larger. I can feel it watching me, hovering over the earth. I feel its sinister smile before it completely vanishes from the sky, momentarily outshined by the setting sun now a golden bronze that burns like fire atop the pillars.

I reach the top, and Kelan is there, and his mother. Mrs. Potts. All of my friends stand before me. Their faces are grim, complexions ashen. Fresca approaches me, looking scared for me. "Are you sure you want to do this?"

I open my mouth to ask why, but instead I answer her question, "Yes." How can I when I know not the meaning?

Before I know it, I am being tied to a large boulder. My legs are tied apart, as are my arms. I am prostrate and facing the sky, the sun hovering above.

"The sun will dip down, and the sacrifice will be complete." Fresca's eyes are wet. Her tears fall down to her chin, dripping onto the stone.

Kelan steps forward, taking my hand in his before looking upon me with an encouraging smile. "I'm proud of you."

Again, I want to inquire, but my throat closes up. I can hardly breathe let alone talk, but I hope my face holds enough question for him to explain, to give me something, ANYTHING, as to why I am here-

But he lets go and stands back.

I stare up at the sky, resting my head against the cold, hard stone. I feel my insides burning, and I do not know why. I wonder why the sun isn't going behind me. It's only getting larger...

That's when I realize. It's not setting FROM me...'

It's setting TOWARD me.

I want to call out, but I'm encompassed by the light. I feel it overtake me, burning every cell in my being. I'm on fire!

I wake up what feels like hours later, naked as a babe and standing once again in the clouds, but all is dark. All is quiet, and there is noone, not even the stars to keep me company.

Then I look up. I see the familiar face of my mother, watching me from a distance. I call out to her, and she merely snorts, the rope swinging from her neck, "I would've rather be burned."

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