Threads of Fate

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I didn't have the time to think about Kelan's motives the next day after. When I awoke, he was nowhere to be found. I'm not even sure if he spent the night here, or if he trekked all the way to the inn.

A long trek, if that was the case.

Taking Helda into town, I didn't know what to expect. I tried to keep my head down, wondering if I wouldn't be greeted by the same group of people who wanted to run me out of town last night. But Northester was quiet today. Almost too quiet.

The calm before the storm, to be sure.

I approached my shop, worried it might be broken into, burned to the ground, some kind of catastrophe that would be explained away as some 'random event' but in reality we knew it would've been a purposeful action. But no damage had been done save that of the window prior.

This is getting weird. I tied up Helda, looking around again. It felt like a ghost town this morning.

I heard neighing in the stables, and looked over to see Bren refilling the water trough out front. Leading Helda, I approached him warily. "Hi."

Bren stopped to look up. "Hi."

For the first time in a month he seemed to look at me. Like, REALLY look at me. "How are you?"

He gave a one-shoulder shrug. "Fine." It came out gruff, but he fidgeted with the bucket of water. "That...Kelan guy...wants to take you away?"

I nodded.

"Are you considering it?"

"I'm starting to wonder what choice I have." But pawning my mother's necklace to do it? I wasn't so sure.

I am curious to get Bren's opinion on the matter. He seemed almost nervous at the notion. "Do you think I should go?"

"I think...right now you need to do what's best for you." He looked to the shop. "It's getting to be too dangerous here. I wouldn't blame you if you left."

My heart hurt at his words. I could remember all the times we spent together. The bond we shared. We were closer than siblings. More than lovers. I'd always felt that Bren was my soulmate, and the idea of leaving him behind... "I love you, Bren."

He looked up, those starry blue eyes sparking with that life I loved so much. His expression was pained when he answered back, "I love you, Zelda."

I nodded. "I'll go, then."

"Wait." And he practically threw the bucket to the ground to catch up to me, taking me by my arms. "What if...what if I took you to the city?"

I blinked. "You don't have the money."

"We'll figure something out."

"You wouldn't know the first thing about living in the city, neither would I-"

"We'll figure it out!"

"You have family here," I whispered. "What about your father?"

"He's no better than the rest. I always knew I'd have to choose between them and you." His grip tightened, desperation bringing us closer as his eyes lit in excitement. "I choose YOU."

I gasped. "Bren."

"I want YOU. I want us to spend our lives together, I don't care where. I...I want you."

I deflated, looking to the side. "It's not possible."

"Why not?"

"Because. I'm not about to drag you away from everything on a whim."

"It's ou livelihood! That's hardly a WHIM!"

"I;m sorry, Bren." And I started choking on my tears as I said it. "We're just too different. I don't see how it will work."

"Zelda, no-"

"I don't even know if I'm leaving yet." I brushed him off, stepping back. He looked hurt and that broke my heart more.

"You HAVE to go." He shook his head at the ridiculous notion of my staying. "They're ready to kill you, Zelda!"

"Maybe it will pass."

He carefully said, "Did your mom say the same thing?"

"That's...different." I smiled. "I have you. I have friends here who will defend me."

"To what end?" He started to get frustrated. "I can only hold them off for so long. Your mother had friends, too, and they all abandoned her or hid. The one thing you have never wanted to face're on your own here, Zelda. I'm trying to help, but you're pushing me away. A complete stranger from the city wants to help, and you're pushing him away."

I snorted. "As if he's not in it for more than himself."

"What do you mean?"

I looked to him, but I didn't want to say.

Bren seemed to pick up on something, because he straightened. "Have...have you...had relations?"

I balked, cheeks blushing. This is not where I wanted the conversation to go, but Bren got his answer nonetheless. I watched his expression sour, stalking back over to pluck up the bucket. "Then I think you should go with him."

"I don't love him, Bren!" And it was the truth. To my was the truth. I wanted Bren. I NEEDED Bren, but the fates would not allow us to tie our bond. We would be forever chased, forever hungry and destitute. Forever on the run.

Love isn't just wanting someone for yourself, after all. It's wanting the best for them. And the best thing for Bren is to stay away from me.

I moved over to him, grabbing his chin so he was forced to look at me as I said, "I love YOU. I will ALWAYS love you. No matter where I go or who I'm with. There's just no good that can come from this. Only heartache."

Bren snorted, shrugging me off, "You got a headstart on that one."

I watched him disappear behind the stalls, my heart aching with every fading footfall.

The Witch of NorthesterWhere stories live. Discover now