We Dance with our Devils

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I placed the damp cloth over her forehead, breathing still so as not to disturb her peace. Despite this, her eyes slowly opened. She gazed upon me in the dark light of her bedroom, the fireplace crackling in the background. "Agathe?"

I stiffened. "No, ma'am. I'm her daughter, remember?"

"Agathe." She smiled upon me, frail hands holding onto my wrist like a lifeline. I could feel the blood vessels straining against skin. "You brought me the stone."

I tried to tug away, but her grip fastened tighter. "You're hurting me," I whisper, tears coming to my eyes.

"Oh, sweet one." She reached up her other hand to wipe the tear away as I stood, sniffling by her bedside. "As long as I have you, I shouldn't want for anything."

I looked to her curiously. "What do you mean?"

"My sister. My best friend." She interlaced her fingers with mine, eyes glazed with a vision I could not see. "We are one!"

I considered what the sisterhood must've meant to her. What it must've meant to my mother. I opened my mouth to say something, but the door opened and Meredith stepped in. "The doctor is here."

I stepped away from her bedside, watching her expression change to that of loss, confusion, and hurt. She watched me walk all the way to the door, curiosity traded for trepidation. "Agathe?"

I merely glanced over my shoulder while passing the doctor on his way in. Once out in the hall, I turned to look upon the sickly woman in bed. She lay still, staring me, even as the door closed, blocking me out of sight.

"She has great faith in you."

I turned to find Kelan approaching, dressed like he were going out. "You look ready for a ball."

"One I would like for you to attend." He held out his arm, nodding to his elbow with a smile. "Accompany me?"

I smiled, shaking my head. "I'm a mess."

"Ah." He straightened, returning his arm to his side. "I thought you might feel your...Northesterly clothes...inadequate for a citywide dance. Just in case, I had Meredith pick something out for you special in the shops today. It's waiting for you in your room."

My eyes must've lightened because he laughed. "Don't look so surprised! It's the least I can do, for all you've done for my mother."

"I just wish I could do more." I looked again to the closed door, imagining the physician on the other side removing the rag to take her temperature, moving her nightgown to take her heart rate. Looking up to Meredith...shaking his head with the implied message:

"Nothing more can be done."

"Nonsense." Kelan came to me cupping my cheek. I looked to him, and he sobered at recognizing the tears in my eyes. "What's this? Have we lost faith so soon into the battle?"

"Kelan, I..." My voice choked on the words. I rasped out, "I'm doing all I can, but...you need to prepare yourself."

"You haven't done...everything." He smirked, that playful light in his eyes.

"Whatever you think I possess, I don't," I firmly stated.

"We shall see. Miracles come in every form." Kelan took a breath, smile strong. "Go get dressed. I'll be waiting for you downstairs."

I watched him disappear before returning hastily to my room. I found the dress he spoke of, and it was green. A satin fabric, with the richest color of green I'd ever seen. Ribbons crossed over the front of a low bodice, tied into knots similar to those at the lace cuffs on either half sleeve. The skirts were full and vibrant, splitting its seams to show a secondary skirt beneath with curled golden vines embroidered onto ivory fabric. Meredith had even picked me a new corset and hoop ring, since my old one was so worn and would only show given the style of this latest fashion.

Eagerly, I put it on, completing the look with the cloak and hood that rested on my bed. I twirled in the mirror, giddy as a schoolgirl. Then, I noticed my bare chest. Resting a palm against it, I knew the perfect jewel that would stand out even more than the dress itself.

No. I couldn't bring it with me even if I wanted. With a sniff, I threw my cloak around my shoulders, cinching it snug at my collar before throwing up the hood. Time to dance.


"Everyone is staring," I whispered as we moved into the main hall.

"At you," Kelan chuckled. "I must say, Zelda...in that dress? You're the bell of the ball."

I blushed. "You think?"

"It'd be a miracle if I didn't ravage you tonight."

I smirked up at him. "I might let you."

His features lit up like a boy's on Christmas Day. It made me feel warm and tingly all over. This is going to be such a grand night!

"Kelan!" A portly fellow in a suit, top hat, and monacle came over with a thin, gangly woman in rich white with feathers and gold bracelets who gave me a peculiar glance, approached with jovial greeting.

"Master Hedgewig!" Kelan greeted the man, heartily shaking his hand. "I trust the finances are all in order?"

"As much as they could be. Have you squared with the lawyers, yet?"

"Not quite yet, but they say it will be a day or two before they get the paperwork."

It is then that Mr. Hedgewig seemed to notice me. "Who is this?" As his eyes lit with a manly curiosity, the woman on his arm turned her nose upward with an air.

"This is Zelda." Kelan put his arm around my waist, and it felt comfortable. Right.

I took the man's hand, expecting a mild shake. Instead, he brought my knuckles under his silver mustache for a gentle kiss. "A pleasure to meet such a delicacy."

I cringed. "Thank you?"

He winked with a smile. "Anytime, my dear."

A knew song played, and Kelan took me onto the dance floor. Everything was beautiful. The crystal, the lights, the chandelier...


I feel my hands grown warm within his. My insides are fluttering, a million butterflies have been released. He gazes upon me and I blush, trying to hold it as long as I can before looking elsewhere for amusement.

"Are you afraid of me?"

"What? No!" I hurried as he twirled me gently with his fingers in mine. We pressed our palms together, stepping to opposite sides of one another before I added, "I'm...I might be...thinking of things that aren't appropriate to be thinking about."

"Is that so?" There was a smile in his voice. The dance had my back to him. He leaned his head down, whispering breathily into my ear. "What things?"

I shudder, my heart pounding as I whisper in return, "Dangerous things."

"I think I like the sound of that." He twirled me again. "As much as I know you're enjoying the evening, I would hate to see it end early..."

I smiled. "T'would be a shame indeed."

"Might I persuade you to...allow me to accompany you to your room later this evening?"

I blushed again, but shook my head.

He looked disappointed, but playful. "Why so?"

"We've only known each other for so long," my breathing shuddered. "It's more of a business relationship than a romantic one, and we should keep it like that."

"Do you want to keep it like that?"

We were eye to eye now, as the music swelled before it stopped. Clapping erupted from all around. Kelan's eyes remained on me, waiting for an answer.

Finally, I breathed with all my heart, "No."

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