A Truth that we Can't Unknow

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The next day was cloudy. Cold. It FELT like November. Gone were the trees with bright leaves, the sun shining down. Most everything in the woods was dead, the only remnants being the shells left for your feet to shuffle through on a dirt path, or the distant caw of the crows.

I cannot say that I missed them.

Walking into town on such a morning, I heard their wings above me before I even spotted them. Hovering. Circling over me.

"Don't you have anything better to do!" I hollered up at them, feeling angry they were the closest things to companions right now.

I thought about Kelan. I thought about how he might be feeling. What he might be doing. I wanted to be there to comfort him, to help him feel less alone. We had so much in common, that the memory of getting kicked out twisted my heart like a knife.

It's fine, I had to reassure myself. He just needs some space. Even Meredith knew. "He's grieving."

The path turned into the main road, trees clearing enough for me to see the town ahead. Humble pie never tastes good. When I left here, I'd hoped it would be for the better. I had hoped that I would return with something, or at the very least some-ONE, who might make life a little easier.

Instead, I return empty-handed, with nothing save a few sordid tales to fill the gap of idle chit-chat with the few people who wondered why I had abandoned them out of nowhere.

Taking a deep breath, I lifted my skirts to ease the way of walking into town. Strangely enough, people were milling around as if readying for something. As I approached...I noticed the heads turn. As I passed, those heads followed me, murmurs and conversation becoming hushed whispers. The faces that followed me glared, scowled, or pulled tight as if they had just spotted a dangerous animal on the outskirts of their little safety border.

This can't be good. Shivering, I pulled my shawl tighter about my shoulders and hurried faster through town toward Mom's shop. I spotted Bren in the stables. He stopped mucking, sticking the pitchfork into the ground and leaning against it. He didn't look angry for once. He looked worried.

Instead of passing him by, I approached, casting wary glances to the eyes surrounding. "What's going on?"

Bren glanced behind me to the others. I expected him to turn me away, to ignore me. Instead, he reached out an arm to usher me inside. "Come on."

This is alarming. I looked all around for some clue as to what might've transpired since my leaving. "If I knew this town was going to miss me so much, I would've had a farewell party."

Up close, he looked drawn and tired, but he managed a small smile at my joke.

I held up my hands in gesture, "Bren, what's going on? Why are people staring at me?"

"There's been...some things that've...happened since you left." He looked down.

"Like...what things?"

He took in a deep breath before exhaling to the ceiling. "The church has people convinced you put a curse on Northester."

My blood suddenly ran cold. "What?!" Why would they say something so horrible? "I know I haven't been to church in a while, but-"

"That's not it." He shook his head again, staring outside at the woods. "There's...a creature...running loose."

I vaguely remembered the shadow monster that chased me and Helda all the way to Kelan at the inn. "Oh."

He started. "You know it?"

"Ah...I...don't know anything." I winced. Even he looked at me in disbelief. "Well, okay. I might've....seen something a few nights ago, but to be fair I thought it was my imagination."

"Were you hurt?" He stepped closer, dropping the pitchfork to rub his hands up and down my arms.

I closed my eyes to savor the moment. As much as I missed these feelings, these were not the best circumstances for their return. "No. I'm fine."

He nodded, continuing on, "Northester knows you don't like them."

I snorted, "They didn't like me first!"

"Well, whatever the case might be, things started escalating after you left. People were taken and...found dead. In the woods."

I could feel the blood drain from my face. "What?"

"People thought it was an animal at first, but...this...THING, whatever it is, made its way into town."

"You can't expect me to believe a superstitious lot scared of shadows-"

"It wasn't just a SHADOW, Zelda." His breathing became shaky as he whispered, "I saw it. With my own eyes."

My fingers are cold, trembling at my sides. I can't believe what I'm hearing.

"It's...HUGE...this thing, and it just...looks unnatural. It's not of this earth."

"Why do they think I had something to do with it?"

He shook his head again, hissing, "They don't think it's YOU. They think it's your mother."

I sucked in a breath. Then, laughed. "No way. There's no such thing as-"

"This thing is not a ghost. It's a curse." He started to tremble. If Bren is scared, there is a very real threat indeed. He's not scared of anything. "Your mother's voice...echoed out of the beast. Cackled, even."

I shook my head. "It's not possible..."

"She called for you," He nodded, eyes wide with concern. "By name."

I looked up at him.

"I think she's come to seek her revenge."

It's not...possible!

I remembered the jewel. I remembered what she told me...only her words were skewed in my head. I always thought she meant to say no harm would come...but upon remembering...

"You will never be taken from this place."

"I have to find Fresca." And get the hell out of here!

"She's closed up your shop."

I stopped, appalled. "she did WHAT?!"

"The town was threatening to burn it down, AND your house!" He raked his fingers through his hair. "It's been mad without you here!"

"Well I'm back now." I whipped my cloak and turned, taking stride long before it settled back around my calves. Time to remind this town what I'm made of.

The Witch of NorthesterWhere stories live. Discover now