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Image: Zayd's mansion.


"What did he mean under the Central library?"

Zayd googled the place on his laptop. "Look here." He showed me a blueprint of the library. "I think, this is it. He said there's a vault room under the library. I think the portal's in that room."

"You sure?" I questioned raising an eyebrow.

He shrugged. "Well, that's the address your demon friend gave us."

I slumped back into the chair I was sitting in, beside Zayd. "I think I am gonna go tonight."

Zayd looked at me with anger. "You kidding me? You are not going in there alone!" He said with a tone that left no space for argument. But being the stubborn ass I am, I argued back.

"What? You want to risk your life again? For me?" I scoffed crossing my arms across my chest.

"You need fae blood to flow in your veins to go into the portal. So I cannot come with you to the fae realm anyway." He sighed. "But the least I can do is take you to the vault room safely."

Ughh, looks like I am losing the argument. He had a point. Vampires are way faster than werewolves. He can sneak me in and sneak out easily.

"Fine," I grumbled reluctantly which earned me a grin.

When the conversation with Zayd ended, I stood up to go back to my room but a sudden pain hit me making me stumble. Zayd immediately caught me and helped me to my room.

The burning pain increased with every passing second. It felt like I was on fire.

"Zayd, i-it h-h-hurts." I cried. It's so difficult to form and speak a few words. Zayd's touch burnt me even more. My skin is trying to repel him. What the fuck is happening to me?

Am I going to die? Without knowing who my father was or why my mother abandoned me? Tears rolled down my cheeks from the unbearable pain.

"Zenith," Zayd spoke with wide eyes and fangs drawn out. Why were his fangs out? Is he hungry or something? "Your scent. It's driving me crazy."

What is he talking about? "W-w-what?" I croaked out.

"Your scent. I think you're in heat."

What the fuck? Heat?

"But Kenzo d-d-didn't mark me." I said

Zayd frowned. "This is the only explanation for your pain." He walked into the bathroom to fill the tub with cold water and came back to carry me to the tub. "Were you intimate with him? Did you do anything with him? If you did, that strengthens your bond so now your body is craving for him."

I groaned.

Ugh, I couldn't get a fucking break, can I?

"Why does it affect you when you're not a werewolf?" I asked gritting my teeth to cope with the pain.

He shrugged. "It affects all supernatural beings with heightened olfactory senses." He explained. It makes sense!

He carefully carried me into the bathroom. "Coldwater bath helps during the heat. A werewolf friend told me."

He put me in the tub filled with cold water. It didn't take the pain away but it felt a little better.

"You need your mate, Zen. There's nothing I can do. I can call him if you want." Zayd suggested. I know he means well but I just couldn't bring myself to meet my mate again, even if it's desperate times.

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