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I was in heat. My whole body was on fire. It hurt. It hurt so much. Just when I thought I couldn't take anymore, Kenzo appeared.

To be honest, I didn't think he would come. I thought he would be wrapped around the witch. Or maybe the other way around.

I don't know what happened when I was gone but he is here. For me.

He, an alpha, knelt beside me trying to comfort me. I can see the guilt, regret, remorse all in his eyes. His eyes are calling for me desperately. But all I remember was his betrayal. The way the witch was riding him naked in his office and the way he was so immersed in the ultimate pleasures she was offering him. Seeing that, hurt more than this heat illness.

When he tore his clothes off of his delicious body and slid beneath me in the tub naked, my heart fluttered.

He still cares for me, my heart told me but my brain wasn't having any of it. It reminded me of his betrayal and it made me sick.

Azi was still angry at Kenzo for betraying us. She was whimpering in my mind curled up in some corner.

When he said that Isla fed him mermaid blood to seduce him, all I felt was rage. How dare that bitch do that to us?

I just don't understand why a woman would go to such lengths for a man who doesn't even want her. It doesn't make sense. I just couldn't understand how emotions like jealousy and envy can turn someone into such a vile person.

But I will definitely make her pay for what she did to me. To us. I wanted to rip her, make her bleed, and heal her and then repeat the process until I'm satisfied.

Extreme, I know!

After a while, Kenzo's touch worked its magic and returned my temperature to almost normal. His touch is not just healing me but it's turning me on. I wanted to kiss his soft lips and run my hands over his hard abs and all over his body.

He looked so desperate for my forgiveness. But I know I can't forgive him. Not yet. I will do it eventually, I guess. But I needed time.

He apologized and pleaded me for one more chance. Begged me for one more chance. He looked so vulnerable and sad, I couldn't say no.

He is my mate. I realized, he is both my strength and weakness. And I wanted him. But first, I have to tell him the truth. I can't hide it from him anymore. I won't.

I decided I will tell him the truth. All of it. I will tell him that I'm a hybrid, with magical powers beyond understanding. And then I will give him the choice of accepting me or rejecting me. And I will respect his choice.


"Kenzo, I'm a hybrid. I'm not just a werewolf." I looked at him for a reaction and continued after a long pause when I didn't get any. "I'm also part fae."

He didn't move. Just blinked. I couldn't decipher any emotion from his poker face. Why does all the Alphas master that poker face? What good does it do?

"What?" He spoke after what felt like hours.

"I am part fae," I repeated even though I know he heard me loud and clear.

He shook his head. "You can't be. Hybrids don't exist. They die because of miscarriages or stillbirth." He kept shaking his head.

"Kenzo, you have to believe me," I whispered.

He frowned. "But that's impossible, Zenith."

"I know but I am an exception." I slumped my shoulders in exhaustion. "You remember, I mildly electrocuted you. Werewolves can't do that Kenzo."

"No, they can't." He agreed but he looked numb. I couldn't read his emotions.

And then I remembered killing that rapist. I have to tell him. I took a deep breath and slowly exhaled. "I killed him." Kenzo looked at me, confused. "Your pack member who you banished. I killed him."

His confused face turned angry. "Why?"

He is always ready to jump to conclusions and accuse me. Doesn't he trust me? Did I make a mistake trusting him and revealing myself?

"Because he tried to rape me," I admitted angrily.

His anger turned to rage. "He touched you?" I shook my head.

"He tried but I killed him before he could do anything to me."

Kenzo was lost in thoughts for a few moments. "It's you. You are that immensely powerful being Isla told about." I nodded confirming his thoughts.

"Who else knows about you?"

"Zayd and now you."

"You told Zayd but not me?" He scoffed. "Do you even trust me?"

Now I am angry. "Let me be clear. I didn't tell Zayd. He found out on his own. I just didn't deny it because I was sick and tired of hiding myself behind a lie. And yes, I wouldn't tell you if I don't trust you. Unlike you, I wouldn't jump to conclusions and accuse people." I snapped.

"When did I accuse you?" I scoffed at that. He has the fucking nerve!

He sighed. "Why didn't you tell me until now?" He asked softly pulling me closer onto his chest and smoothing my hair.

"I was scared that people will kill me if they know. I was scared that they will think I am an abomination. I was scared that you will hate me and think I'm an abomination and abandon me." I admitted, tears flowing across my cheeks.

He wiped my cheeks and pulled me closer and hugged me tightly. "Maybe that's why my mom abandoned me." I continued. "I would understand if you reject me too."

He pulled away almost immediately. "You think I will reject you? How insane are you?" I looked at him dumbfounded. "Baby, I'm lucky to have a mate like you. Not just because you're some powerful magic princess but because you are smart, strong, mature, confident, determined and a perfect leader. A true Luna. Although you are sometimes an impulsive mess, you are my impulsive mess." He exhaled sharply. I shot up out of the bed immediately, shocked at his confession and he knelt beside me, surprising me.

"I am the one with a lot of flaws. The one who screwed up always." He continued while I was watching him with wide eyes. "I should be the one saying that I understand if you reject me but hell, I am selfish. I don't want you to reject me. I want you to forgive me. I know this won't be the last time. I will screw up a lot more and I want you to forgive me every single time." He said with his face down.

"Stop groveling and get up." I hissed. He's not just any alpha. He's Alpha Kenzo Stryker, the most powerful Alpha.  And here he was, groveling at my feet feeling vulnerable and I couldn't see him like that. I knelt beside him and pulled him onto me hugging him.

He hugged me back. "I couldn't stay away from you anymore." He whispered against my ear.

I pulled away and brushed my lips against his gently. "I forgive you but don't betray me again."

"I won't." He smashed his lips against mine roughly. I thought I might be bruised. I opened my mouth a little to welcome his tongue.

"I missed you." I breathed.

"I missed you too. I missed you so much, baby. Punish me all you want but please, don't ever leave me again." I nodded.

"Never," I replied.

Kenzo accepted Zenith for being a hybrid!!

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