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"What did she say? You got a name?" Kenzo asked Zayd anxiously right after Zayd got off the phone with Alyssa, the witch he mentioned.

We were sitting in the living room on a comfy couch waiting for Zayd to say something.

Zayd nodded grimly but didn't say a word.

"What is it, Zayd? Spit it out." I commanded.

He looked at me with an unreadable expression. Okay, I think whoever that witch is, she was after me and I'm going to die. Great!

Finally, after what felt like hours, Zayd spoke, "That green-haired witch is a slave of Gametahzi as we already know and is very powerful. But the thing is, she's been missing for ten years."

"What do you mean missing?" Was she kidnapped? By this Gomeztaaz person?

Zayd shook his head. "All the witches think that she was gone into hiding and planning something big. The last time someone saw her was when she was looking for a spell. Some very complicated spell."

Kenzo exhaled sharply. "What's her name?"

"Ophelia Rosi."

Someone sucked in a breath behind us in shock as soon as the name left from Zayd's mouth. We all turned around to look at a very shocked Rowan.

Rowan looked at us studying our expressions. "Why are you guys talking about that maniac witch and what is this vampire doing here?"

Maniac witch? Does Rowan know her? I was about to ask him but Kenzo beat me to it.

"You know her?"

Rowan shook his head. "Not personally but I heard stories. I heard she snapped the necks of twenty rogues with one wave of her hand."

"Why didn't I know that?" Kenzo asked.

Rowan shrugged. "It was 15 years ago. You weren't the Alpha then, but your dad was. I heard it when my dad was telling my mom about that evil witch."

"Woah, she's badass." Zayd blurted out and we all glared at him. He lifted his hands in surrender.

"The Mysterious thing is," Rowan continued. "she lost all her magic one day and that made her crazy."

What the fuck? Maybe that is why she had given herself and her soul to this Gomeztaaz person for magic in return. This makes sense. Kind of.

"How do you know this?" Kenzo asked Rowan.

Rowan looked around, maybe to check if anyone's eavesdropping, and said in a low voice, "I may have had fun with a witch before I met Zil and witches talk."

"You did what?" Zil screeched from the  direction of the door.

Kenzo, Zayd, and I burst out laughing. I laughed and laughed clutching my stomach. Poor Rowan! He looked so spooked.

"You might have to look for a new Beta," I commented still laughing.

Zil dragged Rowan into their room angrily. I'm sure he is going to have a black eye and a broken nose. Zil is a very friendly and carefree kinda person but she's definitely not one to tolerate betrayal or unloyalty. And she's hella scary when she's angry.

Rowan is so dead!

When everyone calmed down, the problem in front of us hit me and I've grown anxious again. "So let me get this straight. This Ophelia witch lost her powers and then got her powers back and is in hiding for the past ten years and is looking for a complicated spell."

Both Kenzo and Zayd nodded. "Pretty much." Kenzo's voice barely above a whisper.

"So what I don't understand is where do I fit in in all of this."

Kenzo shook his head. "I had no clue."

"Witches are weird. Very weird. They use weird things in their spells like vipers tongue, vampire's heart, werewolf's eyes, mermaid's blood, and so on." He said waving his hands in the air dramatically. "So maybe she needed something from you. As we heard, she was looking for a spell and maybe that spell needs something from a very powerful being like you."

Well, that's comforting. "I'm not giving her my heart or my eye," I yelled. "Or my tongue." Or anything for that matter. If I find her, I will kill her. I'm not dying for her stupid spell or losing any part of myself as well.

"No one's taking any part of you, baby. I will protect you." Kenzo cooed pulling me closer. His warmth spread through me making me warm and calm.

Zayd nodded in agreement. "She's not going anywhere near you. Kenzo, Rowan, his pack, and I will never let anything happen to you."

Kenzo growled, "You don't have to do this."

"Actually, I do. She saved me from a siren and gave me a life. I'm indebted to her. So, Kenzo, let me help you save her if something is out there to harm her. You heard Rowan that she killed rogues with a wave of her hand. You need all the help you get if she's after Zenith."

That stopped all my thoughts. If she's really that powerful and I can't kill her, I will give her whatever she wants to prevent that. I can't let her hurt all these innocent people for me. If I'm the Luna, it's my responsibility to protect these people, and not throw them to a witch to die.

Rowan came back and just as I expected he has a black eye but luckily no broken nose. Zil was behind him looking at Zayd with caution. Ugh, werewolf instincts!

"Okay, is someone gonna tell me what's going on? Why are you guys talking about the crazy witch?" Rowan seemed curious and scared. I can see a little fear in his eyes.

Zil looked absolutely clueless. "What crazy witch? Are you talking about Isla? Do I get a chance to torture her before you guys kill her?" I rolled my eyes at her. Isla again. The name itself is annoying me now.

Kenzo looked at me. He knows he can't tell Rowan anything unless I wanted to and I love that he respects it. But is it really okay to tell Rowan and Zil? I saw the way Rowan always respects me and Zil likes me as a friend. But is it okay to tell them? To trust them?

"What do you think? Is it okay to trust them?" I asked Azi. She can assess people better than me sometimes.

Azi howled and said, "I think we can trust them. I know both their wolves respect you and I can tell they do too."

I shrugged. "If you think it's fine and trust them," I whispered so low I doubt if Kenzo heard. I didn't want Rowan and Zil to hear me and get offended.

"I trust them with my life. And now yours too." He whispered back with a calm smile. I nodded.

That is all he needed. Kenzo and I told Rowan and Zil about my secret and asked them to promise to keep it a secret.

Zayd was against us telling Rowan and Zil. He was a very good friend and I understand that he was just being cautious. I'm glad I have him as my friend. But it's inevitable. Rowan was bound to find out sooner or later. He's the Beta of this pack and Kenzo's best friend. I have to trust him.

After explaining them, Zil seemed shocked and Rowan looked at me with admiration. Okay, that's not at all what I expected.

Rowan kneeled in front of me and said something I never thought he would say. "I always knew you'd be a legendary Luna. I always felt like bowing to your powerful aura. I swear I'll protect you with my life and keep you and your secret safe. Fret not Luna, you can always trust me and my mate."

I smiled at him and felt a lot more at ease. I knew I can trust him.

Zil came to my side grinning widely and hugged me tightly. "Don't worry Zen, I'll never betray you. You're my friend. You can trust me."

I pulled back and smiled and as I was about to say something, we all heard a blood-curdling scream from outside. My stomach coiled tightly.

What the fuck is happening?

Why do you think the witch was in hiding and what was she trying to find??

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