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The best things in life are worth waiting for. Sometimes we lose that thin string of patience and give up, not knowing how close we are to happiness. Life has it's twists and turns, we don't choose our paths, we make them

Ugh, more sappy poety? A voice in my head says.
And that's another snide remark from Kasey, my wolf.

It's literature, Kasey. Deal with it. I reply to her.

You are a princess, Chloe. A princess and future queen! You should be out there kissing pups, or giving out political advice, not writing a boring old essay for a balding old man.

That's my English teacher, like I said, it's either you help me, or deal with it.

With that being said I imagine a wall between us, blocking her out.

I try picking up my train of thought, but end up sighing and closing my book.

I massage my head with my thumbs and index fingers. All this homework, plus training really drains me.

The door of my study opens, and a disheveled looking Mia comes in and slouches into the chair across mine. She swipes a strand of black curly hair away from her face and places her small hands on the mahogany desk.

I give her a small smile before taking her small, chocolate coloured hands into my pale ones. She gives me a warm smile, her dimples pop out and her soft brown eyes twinkle with pride.

"There is just a lot to be done before your coronation dear. And there's only so much a mere half-human like me can do." she sighs.

"You've gotta be kidding me, Mia! You're more than a human, you've ruled the entire werewolf kingdom for a decade without a king or mate. You opened your heart and gave a group of rogues the chance to be part of a pack again by forming the thriving Moonbeam pack! You showed the Council that it requires more than just strength or testosterone to be a good leader. You gave us females the big truckload of recognition we deserve in the werewolf community. What I'm saying is, you were the best leader we've had. And what if I'm not as good enough?"

I sulk at my last sentence. Mia has done a tremendous deal for us as the Alpha regent. Everyone admires her and even I do. She is a leader, protector, provider and a mother to many of us.

She gives my hand a reassuring squeeze.
"I know you will do great as Alpha queen, Chloe. Maybe even better than me. Stop your worrying now, you have months before you even have to worry about all the queen stuff. Enjoy being a teenager now while you can."

"Okay." I huff.

I know what she was saying isn't true. I can't be half as good a leader as she is. She is a natural and really smart. I bet my real parents would be glad that their throne ended up in the right hands.

"You aren't thinking about your parents, are you?" Mia asks.

I give her a confused look. How did she know?

"You get a distant, but sad look when you do. And your aura gives it away. Haven't I taught you to mask your aura?"

A blush rises to my cheeks. How can I forget that she is a half-blood white witch? White witches can read a person's aura and sense a being's emotions. They can also hide their own auras, and Mia taught me how to mask mine when I first shifted about eight years ago.

I closed my eyes and focused on my emotions. I imagine a wall around my body and a shield over my eyes. It would be useless to hide my aura if my eyes give away everything I am feeling, right?

"That's it." Mia reassures me.

I open my eyes and keep a blank look on my face. I sit up straight and keep my head faced forward. My eyes roam to the woman sitting across me, pure adoration spread on her elegant brown face. Tears pooled in her eyes.

"It's times like these where I wish your parents were here to see you. You already look like the queen you were born to be."

I open my mouth to say something, but get cut off by a warrior mind-linking Mia and I.

Your majesties, there's been a breach in the castle. Our warriors are mysteriously dropping unconscious. We suspect the use of powerful magic! We have re-

He was suddenly cut off. I try calling out to him, but it was as useful as eating spaghetti with a teaspoon.

Mia abruptly stands up, making the chair fall. We both dash out of the study and down the hallway and stairs to the first floor of the castle.

The place is eerily quiet, like the silence before a storm. A single scent lingers in the air.


But I only catch the scent of one or two.

I walk as quietly as I can in my Vans and I open the grand french doors. I see all our warriors lying on the ground, looking unharmed thankfully.

The moon shines brightly, illuminating every crevice of the grey stone castle. A breeze gently blows some strands of my brown hair into my face.

I look around for any sign of the threat. I don't see or smell anything, but I can't shake the feeling that I am not alone.

I walk further, nearing the forest that surrounded the castle. A bright white object catches my eye.

A small, silvery dagger sticks into a tree with a small note attached to it.

"This is the first warning you will receive. Your mutts will wake up when you finish reading this. You escaped by a hair when I killed Aaron and Aliyah. This time you won't.
Enjoy being crown princess soon, because you won't live to be queen.
Ta ta "

Immediately after reading the note, a sharp pain goes through my head. I fall to the ground, clutching my throbbing head.


The pain disappears as soon as it came. I sit up to see my Gamma running to me.

"Chloe! I was watching patrols, then this hooded figure just came by and snapped her fingers and all my warriors fell to the ground. I tried contacting reinforcements but-"

"Anastasia shush. I know what's happening." I cut her off

"What?" She asks with pure bewilderment.

"He's back. I don't know how, but he is back."

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