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I watch as the wolves prepare the arena for the fight happening in less than four hours.
This arena was built solely for contenders to fight against their rivals for the Alpha position, but no one has ever dared to challenge the mate of a royal. Until now.

To say I'm worried for Lorenzo is an understatement. I know he's strong, but is he strong enough?
I've never seen him come to training.

"Chloe! Chloe!" A pup about six years old runs to me. I scoop him up and carry him on my right hip. He squeals in delight.

"Yes, Joshie?" I ask.

"Dewek told me to tell you nobody has seen Lowenzo."

"Dang it! He needs to prepare right now if he wants to win." I sigh in frustration.

"Chloe, why they fighting?"

"To see who's strong enough to be the Alpha King."

"But you're strong enough to be Alpha King!" He tugs my sash.

"Yeah. But I'm going to be queen. And a queen gets lonely without a king."

"I'll be your king! Then you'll never get lonely!"
I chuckle at his words. I honestly love kids.

"What kind of a king will a pup make?" I turn around and see Xander shirtless and glistening with sweat. He must be preparing for the fight.

I give him a once-over and let Joshie hold my scepter.
"I don't know. Probably better than you, though."

Joshie sticks his tongue out at Xander. I turn around and leave Xander gaping at us with his bruised ego. His ego isn't going to be the only bruised thing tonight.

Speaking of, where in the name of Selene is my mate!?



I throw a hard blow to the tree, efficiently cracking it and splitting it in two.

"Good. We're done here."

I slacken my muscles and stand in front of my sister. She puts a gloved hand on my shoulder.
"Make me proud, little brother. Go fight for what's yours."

I wrap my arms around her for a hug, but she pulls my arms, twists them and pins me to the ground.
"Sorry bro. I don't do hugs."

Her look alone is cogent enough that she does not do PDAs, but I still give her a questioning look.

"Private reasons. Now go. Show em what I taught you."

I give her a small smile. I open my mouth to say something but end up with a hoarse, "Thank y-you."

"Don't sweat it. Now get the fuck outta here. My wolf needs to hunt."

I take that as my cue to run.
I don't want to be around when her beast is out.


"Please step forward, Lorenzo Helia." My mate's beautiful voice is heard throughout the entire arena filled to the brim with wolves.
The spectators cheer quietly for me.

Either they understand that I don't like noisy attention, or they were just reluctant. Or sleepy for that matter.

I emerge from the wings and stop at the center of the arena.

"First contender, step forward."

Marshall imperiously strides in from the other side of the arena. His smirk that used to scare me to the core is present. 
But I am insusceptible to his intimidation.

The Alpha's Silent Mate Where stories live. Discover now