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"Is that how you greet your aunt?" She repeats.

"Aunt Kaceline!" I run to her and give her a squeeze she won't forget for a while.

"My my, have you grown, Chloe. You're so pretty now, all the unmated males must be showering you with gifts and attention." She says.

I blush profusely at her compliment as she strokes my hair.

"What are you doing out this late?" She asks.

"Oh nothi-"

"What's all the racket here?" Mia walks in looking like that hairy creature from Star Wars.

I swear she has the best hearing compared to any living species when she's asleep. She would hear the pressure of your foot on the ground and be at your door before you even get to the fridge.

What? I'm a midnight snacker too.

"Sister?" Mia blinks as if she's still dreaming.

"Hello, Lumia. Miss me much?"

"Kaceline? Is this really you?!"

I've always wondered why white witches don't have last names, but their names almost always relate to light. There are a few exceptions, many of them turned out bad.

"Are you okay?" Mia asks Kaceline who looks anything but not okay.

"Just a little tired from travelling all the way here. May I stay for a short while, sister?"

"You may stay in one of our guest rooms." I beam.

"Thank you dear."

"Why are you dressed like that?" Mia asks, finally looking at my outfit.

"I'll just be headed off to a guest room then, I remember the way, you two can sit here and...talk." Kaceline says with,

She graciously walks away with her cloak swirling around her ankles like fall leaves.

"Okay young lady, why are you dressed like that? And why do you reek of other wolves on you? Were you at a party?"

I look down, suddenly finding my pedicured toenails interesting.

"Know what, go to your room. I don't have time for this, I need to sleep." Mia yawns out and tries taming her frizzy hair.


The only bullet I managed to dodge tonight.


I teleport myself to my bed chamber and I am pleased to see a sleeping Rosalia laying sprawled on my bed.
Soft snores escape her slightly parted lips and for once, she looks peaceful and quiet.

After making sure to get rid of all the dye and makeup, I change into some soft robes and get ready for bed.

Wait, Chloe! I need to check up on her. I didn't see her leave and I won't be getting any peace of mind until I see her safely in bed by now.

I close my eyes and utter the teleportation spell. Soon, I am in the familiar traditional bed chamber belonging to Chloe.
I tiptoe up to the lump on her large bed.

I know I could use a levitation spell to ensure that I make no sound, but where's the fun in that?

I see her tangled in the bedsheets and my heart warms when I recognize the koala bear stuffy I got her for her ninth birthday in her arms.

I am ready to leave when I feel a strong negative presence in the castle. I am drawn to the dark aura like a moth to a flame and before I knew it, I am out in the hallway.

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