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"I'm going to do this alone then."

An uproar rises at the dining table and the food, as well as the table manners, are forgotten.

After Khanya's prediction, all the witches were obviously shook and in denial. Nobody spoke of it for the rest of that day, yesterday and today until now.

"Are you crazy?"

"Yeah, and it's gonna be your life taken!"

"Forget saving the werewolves, let's just start mourning now!"

"With all due respect, this is bullshit!"

"Someone organize a coffin, just in case Kaceline decides to return her body."

"ENOUGH!" Fény's voice leaves no room for argument and all the noise immediately dies.

"It's like a bazaar in here with all the noise. Now we can think like civilized beings." Mia states calmly.

We all sit in loud silence. I could practically see the gears working in their heads, thinking of the best way to avoid any casualties despite the path fate had chosen.

Our plan originally, was for Argia, Valo, Luxe and Fény to pretend they were visiting the werewolf kingdom to congratulate Kaceline on acquiring her "deserved" seat on a throne. They were the only ones even relatively close to her before she left them.

As for Leggero and Lorenzo, they are to be hidden as small bugs, for example flies or butterflies. That way, we have more muscle on board without actually having them being seen.

Mia and I are going to be disguised as two foreign white witches. We will both be eager fans of Kaceline. We will have to pretend to be interested in her so she could make at least one of us her pet prodigy.

Solas and Luce are going to be disguised as newly-appointed royal guards inside the castle. They will give us the intel we need without risking any of the wolves catching on.

Dritë must stay here and keep all the mirrors covered except for one. This is so that when we use the Vortex, we can ensure safe travelling from a mirror in the castle to the designated one here.
And Dritë also needs to care for Lumiere.

With new members now, the plan was slightly altered.
Instead of just Luce and Solas disguised as royal guards, Lumo, Haske and Limyé will be guards too.
Except we will have to clone.

Too many new guards being appointed at the same time will look suspicious, so we decided to clone Lumo, Limyé and Haske into three guards closely affiliated with the throne.

Ina and Khanya are going to stay with Dritë. This is because of them being so young and inexperienced with their powers. We can't afford them losing control there and making things go haywire.

A hand resting on my own pulls me out of my thoughts. I look up to see everyone's eyes on me, as if expecting something to come out of my mouth.

"Chloe? Did you get all that?" Mia asks with the blank expression that she's used countless times as an Alpha.

I stare at her, making my confusion known.

She sighs.
"Mom and Solas are leaving for the castle earlier than expected so they can get used to the place. Luxe, Lumo, Haske,Limyé and I will be able to nab those three guards we'll clone later tonight."

"What about the cloning potion?" I enquire.

"Lumia, Leggero and Ina are done with it. All they need is the originals and their DNA samples." Dritë answers my question.

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