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"Explain to me why you are going to a strictly-werewolves party?" I look up at Darcy and momentarily forget the treaty request in my hand.

"Who knows, I could be mated to one of your people." Darcy shrugs like it's the most obvious thing in the world.

It's really rare for different species to be mated to another, but it's still a possibility and it does happen.

Darcy continues browsing through the internet for a fancy dress online. Like she doesn't have over a thousand in her larger-than-life-itself wardrobe. I like to believe it is a materialistic stage for her in princesshood.

"I don't wanna go by myself, so you're coming with. Beta boy and Gamma girl are coming too." She doesn't even look up from her lime green laptop.

"You know why I'm not coming. Besides, I'm busy."

I return my focus to the treaty request I have to decline or approve. I hear Darcy exhale deeply before she continues, "I wasn't asking. Besides, I know a way that you can come along and definitely not find your mate."

"I'm listening." I say without looking up at her.

"I can mask your scent so he can't sniff you out. And I'll make sure to give us a good disguise."

I think about it for a moment. I am pretty intrigued.
I honestly need a break from all this work I've been swamped in. One Darcy zero me.
I won't find my mate if he can not smell me. Two Darcy zero me.
A good disguise means I can party with other wolves like a normal person. Three Darcy zero me.
I've never been to an actual party, because mandatory royal balls do not count as parties.
Darcy wins.

I let out a sigh and sign the treaty, then use the green approval stamp.

"I'll come."

"I knew you'd say yes!"
Darcy jumps out of her seat and runs out my white wood office door. Well, attempts to run, since her shoes look really uncomfortable. 

I give a small half smile and shake my head.

If only Darcy knew how much she has me wrapped around her chubby finger. I think I'm getting soft.

I lean back in my mobile office chair. My fingers run over the hard material on my sash that hangs lazily over my right shoulder.
I managed to finish all of today's paperwork early, so I decide to head off to Anastasia's office a few floors below mine.

I gently knock on her door before she tells me to come in.

"Chloe, hey. What do you need?" Anastasia asks.

"What are you doing?" I ask as I sit on her marble desk.

I peek at the papers she is reading.
War strategies.

"Why are you going over these?"

"My parents told me to. They're preparing me for when I officially become royal Gamma. By the way, Darcy was in here telling me that you said yes about coming to the mating bash. So...you down for it?"

I give her a small nod.

"Well, we'll have to find a way to sneak you out of the castle then, since Alpha Mia won't let you leave." She whispers.

"Got it. I'm off to check on Kaden, see you at dinner tonight."

Anastasia gives me a quick wave before going back to analysing more war strategies.

I quietly exit her office, not wanting to disturb her any longer.

I walk out of the castle and near the training grounds.
I spot Beta Cole with Kaden supervising the late afternoon training session.

As I walk over to the two at the edge of the training grounds, the nearly a hundred female and male warriors stop what they were doing and bow to me.

"Resume with your training."  I link them.

Beta Cole's stern expressionless gaze turns to me. He looks down at me and shows his neck in submission.
"Hi Chloe. What brings you here?" Kaden speaks up.

"Shouldn't I be asking you that?" I say with a shrug.

"Well, you're not exactly dressed to train," he takes in my crimson golf t-shirt and black slacks before answering my question."I've been here helping Dad train the warriors. It's one of my duties since I'm going to be the royal Beta."

"Oh, great. After dinner, can we meet in the TV room? That's if you don't have any Beta duties then."

"Sure, Chlo. See ya."


Anastasia, Kaden, Darcy and I huddle closer to each other on the couch. Darcy and I tell them about our plan to disguise ourselves so other wolves don't recognize us.

"Okay cool. This baby is going down tomorrow night, so you princesses have to have an 'early night'." Anastasia says softly using her hands to make the inverted commas.

"Don't expect me to be dressed to impress. It'll be difficult and stupid for me to sneak out wearing the uniform (aka the sash, tiara and scepter)." I whisper.

"Stasia and I will obviously be going by car, and we'll drive to the meeting point about thirty minutes away from the castle. This party is on neutral lands." Kaden explains.

"So we have to pretend to be going to bed, Chlo. Just be ready at 9 because that's when I'll teleport into your room, then take us to this meeting spot." Darcy states.

I don't know why, but I have a bad feeling about this.
I shrug it off and leave them to discuss their outfits while I get some shut-eye.

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