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I feel tingles all over me. I am still surrounded by darkness, but I feel oddly comfortable. Kasey gives out soft purrs in my head.
So beautiful.
Those words echo and evade my thoughts until they were the only thing on my mind. The voice that says these words is deep and rich, alluring even.

I gasp for air as I bolt upwards.

"What happened? Who are you?"

I realize that I am in a car that is driven by Storm. Lorenzo sits next to me in the back seat.

"Sorry princess. Turns out we were in a trap. More rogues showed up and I wasn't sure of your acting skills. They believe that you're dead."

"Oh." Is all I said.
I know I should be thanking her, but I'm too distracted by Lorenzo's presence. He shouldn't be here, it's too dangerous.

"Why's Lorenzo here?" I ask.

"He's my trainee. And pretty tough."

"Is this your car?" I notice that we are in a pretty neat McLaren.

"Nah. Found it." Judging by her smirk, she probably stole it.

"Why? We could've gone in wolf form."

"We're in a human town."

I nod in agreement. Three wolves running in a suburb isn't exactly normal in a human town.

I glance at Lorenzo and his stoic expression turns soft when he meets my gaze.
I offer a small smile that he returns.

A comfortable silence embraces us. I switch on the radio and find Nevada by Vicetone playing in one station.
Storm grimaces as I turn up the volume.

"...cause before you go and walk away. Yeah, you better know where you're going." I sing along.

Storm starts picking up speed and I jerk backwards.

What in the name of-

Bang! Bang!

I look behind us and see a Cayenne following us.
"Buckle up lovebirds. This is gonna be a bumpy ride."

We fasten our seatbelts and Lorenzo squeezes my hand in his. "We'll be fine." I reassure him.

Storm revs the engine and expertly makes a sharp swerve. My heart jumps in excitement.

More gunshots follow. Luckily, the windows are bulletproof but that definitely doesn't mean we should sigh in relief.

Storm pulls out a gun of her own and keeps her left hand on the wheel while she pokes her right hand out the window and starts firing continuously.

"It feels like I'm in a movie!" I scream with ironic enthusiasm.

Storm stops firing and opens up the glove compartment. Guns and loaded magazines were stashed there.
"There's a rifle in the bag by your feet."

Lorenzo picks up the bag and surprises me by loading it like am experienced human war soldier.
I take one of the guns and a magazine in the glove compartment.
I stare at the firearm in my hand, not knowing what to do.

Lorenzo sees my confusion and loads it for me and demonstrates how to use it by poking out and firing at the car behind us.

When I load one for myself, I stick a hand out and fire. The sound is so loud and sudden, I drop the gun on the road.

"Give her a bulletproof vest! There are poisoned arrows in that bag, don't touch the tips."

Finally something I can use. I waste no time and pull out the bow and arrows. Lorenzo hands me the bulletproof vest and I now notice that I am in black denim shorts and a thin black tank top.
At least the vest serves as coverage and protection. I poke my torso out the window and start firing arrows at the Cayenne and Veyron now hot on our tail.
All my arrows miss the windshields I aim at. Damn cars! Stop swerving left and right!

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