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"Chloe please, you need to come with us! What if you find yourself a mate?"

Anastasia and Kaden have been bugging me for the past few days about a stupid mate finding party.
So here I am, in my office, declining their offer for the millionth time and they still haven't gotten the message.
I decided to keep them in the dark about the most recent incident, so it's no surprise that they are still keen on me finding a mate.

"Listen, guys. You two go to this mating bash of yours, I'm busy. Like always." I say without taking my eyes off the documents in front of me.

"Sorry Stasia, but if Chloe isn't going, neither am I." Kaden says, much to my surprise.

"Kaden, go. You've been waiting for so long to find your mate, you deserve this." I encourage him.

"Fine, but if I don't find my mate in the first thirty minutes, I'm coming back home."

"Okay now. Shoo! Working in progress." I wave them off with my right hand.

They both exit silently and once again I am alone in my comfortable office. I continue going over documents and signing where my signature is needed.

"Chloe, please come to my office. Now." Mia's voice rings through my head.

"On it." I mind-link her back.

I briskly walk over to her office, which is a floor beneath mine.

I enter without knocking and everyone faces me. In the room, Mia sits behind her desk with two men sitting across from her.

"Good afternoon, your highness." The two wolves stand up and bow their heads. Judging by their scents, they aren't from my pack.

I give them a perfunctory nod before speaking.
"Why am I here?"

"I am Beta Damian from the Silverclaw pack and this is Jayson Hanks. We are here on behalf of Alpha Lennon. We request assistance with rogue vampires near our borders."

I raise an eyebrow.
Vampires don't usually go rogue. There are actually very few rogue vampires.

"Send them through to Beta Cole. He is in charge of the pack warriors."

"Alpha Lennon was hoping that you would come in. He would like to have a private conversation with you."

"Unfortunately, I cannot do that, boys. If that's all, I would like to get going."

"Thank you, Alpha princess." Damian and Jayson bow one last time before I leave.

Why would they ask us for help? I mean, sure the First Pack has to aid all other packs, especially since we're the biggest and most powerful pack but who can't stop a small group of vampires?

Well, that isn't my boat to steer.

I enter my office and find a tray of cubed fruits and cream placed neatly on my desk next to my paperwork.

"Hi!" Darcy pops out from behind my desk looking like a literal jack-in-the-box.

"Why are you dressed like a clown?" I ask tilting my head to the side.

"Rosalia." She huffs.

"Right. That explains everything." I say with a raised eyebrow.

"Anyway, I'll leave you to your Alpha duties, I'm going back to being tortured by an eleven year old." She says before fading off to goddess knows where.

I return to my previous seat and work while occasionally munching on the fruit.


"So we're not going to tell anyone that the legendary Storm is actually the late Gamma pair's eldest daughter who's been missing for almost two decades and your sister?"

I nod at Linkin and continue my sketch of me sparring with Storm, or should I say Ignis? Nah, Storm sounds better suited for her.

"Wow. I never knew how cool you actually are. I'm sure the squad would love to meet this Lorenzo." Linkin jokes...I hope.

I honestly don't want to be around those vile people. If they didn't like me when I was the weak mute, they don't deserve to be with me when I'm stronger.

Being around Storm really helped me realize who and what I am. And it's not a weakling.

Sooner or later, Chloe will find her mate. Me.
And when she does, I won't let anyone keep her away from me.

I quickly glance at my watch. About quarter to four.
I already completed my homework and I had nothing else better to do so I get up and pull on a big burgundy hoodie over my black Nirvana t-shirt.

"Leaving early for training?"

I give him a quick nod before getting up from the couch.

"Can I tag along?"

I shoot a menacing glare at him.


"Okay, got it. I'll just be sitting here watching TV." He says with a shrug.

I walk over to the kitchen where Aramina is getting started on dinner. I kiss her on the cheek and run to the door like a little kid.

"Don't get hurt, sweetums."

I give her a small smile before exiting the house. I jog down the porch and out the yard.

As I jog to the forbidden part of pack territory about three minutes walking-distance away, my mind wanders to my beautiful mate.

I imagine running my hands through her soft chocolate coloured hair and gazing into her sky blue eyes that always twinkle. I wonder how her cute pink lips would feel on mine when I tell her that I love her.

A rough hand on my shoulder breaks me out of my thoughts. I turn around and am faced with a smirking Nathan and his minion, Jake.
Out of all the malicious beings at school, these two are those I loathed the most for obvious reasons.

"Yo, omega boy. Long time no see. How's your nose?" Nathan chuckles evilly.

Did I mention that he broke my nose once? And it took almost six months to heal since my wolf was absent (I was practically human).

I remove his hand from my shoulder and turn around to walk away.

"Woah, hold up. You don't walk away from me while I'm talking."

Too bad, I just did.

A leg shoots out from my left and trips me.

I oh so graciously fall on the floor. Yeah, note the sarcasm.

I flip myself over and jump up.

"Not so scared of me anymore, omega?" Nathan smirks as he looks at me directly in the eye.
Instead of whimpering and submitting to him immediately like I always used to, I stand up tall and shoot daggers at him.

I let out a low growl and his dark blue eyes show...fear? But it quickly disappears and is replaced by anger.

Anger because I'm not giving him power over me.

He raises a fist and attempts to land a blow on my face.
Keyword, attempt.

I grab his fist seconds before it could come into contact with my face. I twist it anticlockwise in a painful manner.

He yelps in pain and I don't stop until a satisfying crack reached my ears.

"Shit, he dislocated my wrist! What are you waiting for, Jake? Pummel him!"
Nathan clutches his right wrist and holds it to his chest.

A muscular arm runs around my neck, effectively squeezing me enough to choke.
I try prying off his arm with my hands, but that just earns me a tighter squeeze.

I elbow his diaphragm and while he staggers, I do a back roll, aiming to bruise his face as well as his ego.
I throw a not-so-hard punch at Jake's face, which still leaves a bruise.

I leave the two on the ground and continue jogging my way to Storm's lands.

I smirk in victory.

Now who's weak?

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