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"Chloe, behind you!"
I do a sharp 180 degree turn and pummel the warrior that was sneaking up on me.

Thankfully, we haven't gone to the extreme of having dead bodies, but many warriors lay unconscious on the ground.
It really hurts me as an Alpha to see my pack members like this. Brainwashed and paying for a cruel witch's sins.

"Don't stop until they're captured or dead!" Kaceline's amplified voice booms over the castel grounds.

"Know what? RUN!!" Mia links us.

We don't need to be told twice. Lorenzo and I start sprinting away while Mia fades.

Lorenzo and I got a few seconds headstart. When the other wolves started chasing us, we were ahead by a few yards.
"Go east! The waterfall is our rendezvous point."

"Got it!" I link Mia back. She's probably waiting for us there.

That means we have to lose the wolves on our tail. Curse us for having some of the best trackers! I start pushing myself to go faster since it seems that the wolves are gaining on us.
I mind-link Lorenzo to split up with me so we can lose our chasers. This feels like a game of tag, except whoever is 'it' is a goner.

I run in to the left while my mate runs in the opposite direction. Just like we expected, the wolves split too. Some chasing Lorenzo, but the majority is after me.
Dang, whatever lies she fed them are huge. Maybe treason?

I don't have time to ponder on that, because one wolf nips at my tail. Idea!
I increase my speed,making sure that the wolves after me aren't that far behind and are picking up speed.
Now a tree. A tree, a tree, a tree, ah ha! I run straight at a very wide pine tree with sharp looking pine cones hanging from it.

I have to time this just right. A moment too soon, I'll be caught and killed. A moment too late I'll hurt myself badly then get killed.

Approaching near compact! Kasey, over.

Ears pressed against my head.

Breath hitches.


I sharply turn my head and leap to the right. The bark of the tree grazes my hind legs and tail, but that's it. No injuries.

I run into a wild berry bush and duck into it. I roll around in the sticky muddy mess in order to hide my scent. I peek from the brambles and see that most of the wolves crashed headfirst into the tree, the few that hadn't crashed are sniffing the ground for my scent.

A black and brown wolf starts sniffing uncomfortably close to the bush. He's getting dangerously closer to me.
No no no! Please don't!
I came so far, only to be caught now!
His gaze zeroes in on my bush.

I have the worst luck.

He sticks his head into the bush and sniffs it. A growl emits from him, causing the other wolves to perk up and stalk to my bush.

Let's fight them! It's either kill or be killed.

No, Kasey! These are my pack members, we can't hurt them. They don't know what they're doing, they're not in their right minds.

I stand up tall, accepting my fate. If I happen to go down in the least, I will put up a gentle fight.

Snarls erupt from the twenty or so wolves and I let out one of my own. I don't know how much of this I can take without snapping.
It's frustrating for an Alpha to not be in control of their pack. Especially since I'm a royal.

"Stand down now, warriors." I make sure that my voice is loud and menacing in their heads.

"We will do no such, you traitor!"

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