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"Alpha, rogues are penetrating the borders! We sent warriors to ward them off, but there are a lot!"

Some expect a cup of coffee or a loud alarm clock in the morning, but what do we get?
A rogue attack.

"Get the elderly, sickly and children to the safe house." I say to my head warrior, Janet.

She dashes out of my office and I follow suit.
I can't afford to fail my kingdom once more.


You know when you're dreaming and you know that you're dreaming, but you can't wake yourself up? That is exactly the situation I wish I am in. But I an not.

Our fighters are still going strong, but some how, we are evenly matched with the rogues.
What they lack in strength, they make up for in numbers.

There has to be well over hundreds, and they aren't just rogue wolves, there are rogue witches too.

A white and brown colored wolf sneaking up behind my mate catches my attention. I quickly rip out the throat of the limp grey wolf that is pinned underneath me.
I run towards Lorenzo and dive over him, then accurately land on the white and brown rogue.
It recovers from the initial shock and starts attacking. I easily dodge its sloppy hits. Yawn.
I decide to quickly end its life and lunge at its irresponsibly exposed neck.

Another rogue pounces on me but like the previous one, I easily defeat it. They may be numerous, but their fight game is bad.
The rogues may be bad fighters, but it's like for every rogue we take down, three more pop up. And it doesn't help that some of the rogue witches are a little more powerful than they should be.

Eventually, my warriors start to tire. They try not to show it, but their fighting is getting slightly sloppier and more dragged. Even though they are getting tired, they are still stronger and overpowering the rogues.
I look up in the sky and realise that it's nearly sunset, but the fight is still going on. If this keeps up, we could end up being conquered.

"How are they so many? We have over three hundred bodies laying here."  Kaden mind-links me.

"I don't know, Kaden. But if this carries on, we'll all be exhausted by tonight, then we'll lose surely. These rogues are getting harder and harder to fight."

"But we won't give up, Chloe. I'll fight till my last breath by your side as your beta and friend."

"Thank you, Kaden. Now focus!"

I shut him out of my head and return my attention to the rogue I am fighting. Judging by its size and aggressiveness, it is a typical male wolf.

He growls at me with the viciousness and crazed look expected from a rogue. I return the unfriendly gesture and wait for him to attack. He surges forward with immense strength, but I am stronger. I kick him off of me with my haunches and tear through his side with my long, sharp paws.
He growls in pain and swipes a paw across my face. I swiftly dodge his slash that could have blinded me.

A sharp pain goes through my side and I fall to the ground.
I look at the injured side and find my own blood seeping onto the snowy white ground. A cold, smooth icicle pierces my coat and skin. It has to be sharp for it to be in this deep.

A loud growl is heard throughout the area and I see my mate ending the life of the witch that caused me my injury. When he is done, the witch's mutilated body is thrown aside like a rag doll.
Lorenzo's wolf walks towards me with his eyes eyes golden and power radiates off of him like the Alpha king he is. Well, will be.

"Lorenzo?"  I try mind-linking him. I've never linked him before, but we're in the same pack - mates, moreover - so it should work.

"Ford."  He growls out through the link.

He shifts back to human form, but his eyes are still bright gold.
His hands run over my silvery gray fur, leaving tingles behind. I keep my eyes focused on the wolves and witches fighting a short distance away from us as he gently pulls out the icicle.

"Don't move." His voice is gruffer, and a few octaves deeper than Lorenzo's but still sexy as hell.

I make the mistake of purring out loud. He immediately whips his head to my direct and meets my gaze. He raises an eyebrow and a slight smirk plays on his lips.
I place my head on my paws before closing my eyes. I just hope he doesn't get mad that I just did that.
I'm just scared that if I see that rare smirk again, Kasey will go berserk.

Why is it me who will go berserk? You're the hormonal adolescent.

Not the right time!

I open my eyes and let out a sigh of relief when I see Lorenzo's familiar thundercloud gray eyes on his black and white wolf.

My side is healing quickly enough so I stand up and nudge his side, showing him that we need to get going.

We trot back to the battlefield where our warriors still fight with determination. But the rogues still outnumber us.

Lorenzo and I stay close, fighting off other wolves and taking down witches. The job is still fairly easy, the rogues are not difficult to take down.

Luckily for us, this time there are no guns.

We continue fighting well into the cold night and still show no sign of defeat. How many rogues are there?! I've probably killed over a hundred alone.

Clap! Clap! Clap!

The rogues stop fighting at the sound of the claps. I look around for the source, but I find nothing.

The rogues all retreat, not troubled by the fact that they are leaving all their deceased brethren on our lands. Blood covers the ground that should be white.

Two cloaked figures of difference sizes emerge from where the rogues retreated to. My guard is up and I growl at them.

When the smaller figure pulls back it's hood, I let out a loud growl and resentfully bark at it.
The bushy hair, the dark skin, the silvery eyes.

A growl escapes from the larger figure. He pulls off his hood and I freeze up.


No no no no.


In the flesh.

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