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Three weeks have gone by and no leads have been found.
The high ranking wolves are convinced that the incident was a mere prank by a group of rogue witches.

I think I believe that theory too. I'm pretty sure that there are no resurrection spells any witch could conjure.

A knock on my study's door brings me out of my thoughts.

"Enter." I say.

A girl about my age enters. Her sleek black hair brushes her shoulders in a bob. She is dressed in a black long sleeved dress that stops at her knees with black stockings. Her black lipstick contrasted with her deathly pale face. Ruby red eyes bore into my own sky blue ones.

"Princess Chloe of the werewolves." she says monotonously.

"Princess Lisa of the vampires." I say in the same monotone voice.

We hold eye contact for a minute before her lips started twitching.

"Okay stop! You win!" she says with a contagious laugh and plops into one of the seats across from mine.

"If only Darcy was here to see you lose !" I say in between laughs.

As princesses of the kingdoms, it was required that Lisa, Darcy and I become acquainted with each other.
Luckily, we all got on like a house on fire.

"Speaking of Darcy, she is pretty lonely during lunch and wolves don't warm up to her as easily as they do to you. Are you coming back soon?"

Poor Darcy. She and I have made it a routine to go around the cafeteria and sit with the omegas and try to get them to open up and find friends. It is thanks to this and a new law passed by none other than Mia that the omegas aren't treated like scum anymore. Though some still haven't stopped isolating themselves.
I wonder if the omega boy I met a few weeks ago has any friends. I have a feeling he goes to my school.

I wonder if I should tell Lisa about him. Nah. She, Anastasia and Kaden aren't so open minded about socializing with lower rank people.
Sure, Kaden and Anastasia care for them, as future leaders should, but I possibly can't imagine any of them with the patience and understanding that comes with interacting with the reserved, shy omegas.


Lisa snaps me out of my thoughts.


"You zoned out again. You always seem to distance yourself when somebody talks about serious matters. What kind of a queen are you gonna be? Maybe I should take the spot as Alpha Queen, dontcha think?" she smiles at me, displaying her sharp fangs.

My eyes widen at her bad attempt at joking around. Honestly, Lisa has little to no sense of humor.

"Just kidding, I was saying that you have no reason to worry. Kenneth was defeated years ago and when the time comes again, you'll have the vampires' full support."

"Thank you, Lisa. And the vampires." I say with a genuine smile.

"No problemo. It's time for us to depart. Antonio just linked me that the meeting is adjourned. Farewell!"

She gives me a quick hug before speeding off.

Vampires and their super speed.

Why can't we be that fast too?

I am much faster than that. Kasey piped up.

What a quiet and modest wolf I have. (insert eye roll here)

Stupid human. she says before returning to the back of my mind.

(the following morning )

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