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"Mia I don't wanna! I don't wanna do this! Save me! Please!"

My pleas fell onto deaf ears. Mia just chuckles and continues braiding my hair.
I clutch my scepter, hoping to find comfort in it's coolness.

"Now for your makeup." Mia says excitedly.

I jump up from my seat and vigorously shake my head.
No way! I hate makeup!

Mia sighs and fixes up my dress instead.
I wanted to wear my comfortable ballet flats, but Mia made me pick a pair of light blue slippers.

My dress is a turquoise colour. Thankfully, Mia chose a simple cotton fabric dress with short sleeves and tiny pearls randomly placed here and there.
I also decide to wear long blue gloves that ended above my elbows.

Mia carefully places the silver coloured tiara from yesterday on my head and drapes the sash around my torso.

I examine myself in the mirror, then slap on a fresh layer of cherry lip gloss.

"Are you ready to find your mate?" Mia asks.

As I nod my head, Darcy pops up on the window seat. She climbs off and walks over to me.

"Hi Alpha Mia! Damn, princess, you'll be turning heads everywhere you go! Let me just..." She flicks her wrist and her fingers glow for milliseconds.

"Now look!" She hurries over, almost tripping over her own knee-length floral dress. "I was at the coven dinner, I excused myself to go to the ladies room, that's why."

I nod then look at myself in the mirror.

My eyes look bigger thanks to the mascara and eyeliner. A light blush was added to my cheeks and my braid had little flowers in it.

"Go knock em dead, princess." Darcy winks before teleporting away.

"Let's head off to the guest Hall." Mia says and squeezes my left hand.

As Mia and I enter the Hall, the chatter died down and all the men inside bow in our direction.
Power radiated off all thirty two of the Alphas in the room, but I knew Mia and I give off more than all of them combined.

Power to the female!

I walk up the stairs to the podium and raise my right hand that carries my scepter.

"Thank you all for attending, Alphas. Our dinner will be served in the dining hall, but I would like to greet you all individually." I say with a strong voice and a smile.

I step off the podium, Mia at my side.
"Two of the Alphas that were supposed to be here are absent." Mia whispers faintly.

I give her a nod and stand outside the entrance leading to the dining hall.

The first alpha to greet me is a blonde haired hunk with warm brown eyes.
"I am Alpha Vector, your highness." He says and kisses the back of my left hand.
We make brief eye contact.
Not mate. Next!

A brown haired male with ocean blue eyes and a devilish smirk follows.
"Alpha Lennon, your majesty. I must say, you are quite the sight."
He takes my left hand and kisses it without breaking eye contact.
Not our mate. Moving on!

After many "thank you next"s and "move along"s from Kasey, I realize that none of the Alphas here are my mate.

What a waste of my time!

We all file into the dining hall and sit at the long table with me at the head and Mia by my side.

"Say, your highness. Have you found your mate?" a red-headed alpha with brown eyes asks.

The Alpha's Silent Mate Where stories live. Discover now