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Mia's arm tightens around my neck. This is goodbye.

"Not on our watch!"

Kaceline falls face first onto the floor and the scepter flies out of her hand. Standing on Kaceline's back, Storm fists her bushy hair in one gloved hand and holds a pistol to Kaceline's head with the other.

A growl escapes Kenneth's mouth, but before he could do anything, an arm snakes around his neck and keeps him on a choke hold. The owner of the arm brings his head down so they are at eye level.

"I suggest you don't move, wolf mutt."
A deathly pale girl with crimson eyes and dagger-sharp fangs speaks in such a low voice, I almost didn't catch it.

She is a vampire. And clearly, she's using her vampire strength to keep a fully grown, royal blooded wolf still.

"Thought I should bring an extra hand, princess." Storm winks at me with her only eye.
"Raven, help the two on the floor, I can handle these two."

With that said, the vampire, Raven, snaps Kenneth's leg and is standing in front of us in milliseconds. They weren't joking when they said vampires are faster than lightning.

She takes out a small bottle from the pocket of her black and gray camo-design pants. She pours the thick red liquid over our wounds and they immediately start healing. Fast.

While my wounds are healing, I see Storm taking on Kaceline and Kenneth in her human form.
Each spell and attack thrown by Kaceline is deflected back to her when Storm expertly manoeuvres her sword.

While Storm is deflecting Kaceline's attacks, she gracefully leaps, rolls and slides to avoid Kenneth's jaws and claws.
It is like a dance. A beautiful, but deadly dance of swords, canines and powerful magic.

"Try getting up, wolfie." Raven grunts out.

I have a feeling that she has the temper of a bull. I let out a growl at her blatant disrespect. I'm still the Alpha here.
She hisses at me and bares her fangs.
I snarl at her.

"Don't mess with me." She says in her thick British accent.

I growl louder and puff my fur out to make me look bigger.

"Hey! Stop fighting each other we're on the same side here!" Storm shouts.

A cry of pain stops Raven and I from attacking each other. What I see makes me want to snap a certain witch's neck.

Storm kneels on the floor, surrounded by a pool of her own blood while Kaceline stands above her looking like she won a trophy.

Time seems to slow down. Seconds feels like hours.
Everything happens in slow motion.

A silver spearhead protrudes Storm's chest. Her breathing becomes erratic and shallow. She looks at Kenneth, who is slowly making his way to me.
Her eyes flicker to Raven and she gives Raven a genuine smile, as if wishing her dear friend all the best in life.
She finally looks at me.

"Take care of my brother, princess."

Those were her final words to me. It was then I realize how much she truly loves her brother. And how it will break him to never see her again.

She grits her teeth and looks at Kaceline in the eye. She takes in a sharp breath before saying her last words.

"See you in hell, bitch."

Kaceline's demeanor changes as Storm lunges at her with the last ounce of life she desperately grasped. Kaceline is tackled to the ground in what would seem like a hug. A fatal hug.

Another scream pierces the air before deathly silence consumes it.
Storm's body is on top of Kaceline's. The spear pierces both of their hearts.

Storm is dead, but she took Kaceline with her.

A heart wrenching howl fills the air. My intuition tells me my mate's wolf felt his twin's departure.

Kenneth shifts out of his wolf form.
He then falls to his knees and clutches his chest. He lets out a painful howl, louder than Ford's.

Losing one's soulmate breaks more than just their heart. I would like to say he deserves this, but no, he doesn't. No wolf deserves to go through the pain of losing their mate.

I shift back into my own human form. I sit on the cold, hard floor with my scepter just in arm's reach.

Kenneth returns his focus back to me.

Feral eyes. Pure raw anger and vengeance.

Bloodlust radiating off of him in waves. Kenneth stalking slowly to me, looking at me as if I am his prey. His prey that he will take joy in ending it's life slowly and painfully.

My inability to put up a fight with the feral wolf that has nothing to lose now without his mate.

My defenseless human body being thrown around and played with like a toy. Every bone in my body breaking.
Every nerve screaming in excruciating pain. My helpless voice begging for mercy that I know I will never receive.

My life ending slowly and painfully when Kenneth's jaws deliver the final bite to snap my neck and end my life.

That was what I expected. That is what I thought was inevitable. The whole thing played out in my mind, filling me with false dread.

What I see before me is not a feral monster, but a sad broken man.
It is said that the eyes are the window to one's soul. Heartbreak, remorse, depression and many more emotions I can't decipher swirl in his eyes that are identical to mine.

He walks over to Kaceline and Storm, then gently removes the spear from the two. He moves Storm so that she is lying on the floor next to Kaceline.

Both of their eyes are empty glass orbs. Void of any life.

Kenneth takes one of Kaceline's hands in his own. He presses a kiss on the back of it. A tear trickles down his face and lands on Kaceline's. He closes her eyes and caresses her face.
He lays his other hand on Kaceline's stomach. More tears fall.

I don't even realize that a stray tear escaped until it rolls down my cheek and falls.

"I'm sorry." I whisper.

I didn't know what to say, but I didn't want to say nothing either.

He lets go of his mate, then turns to me.
He and his wolf are both in control, seeing as one eye is blue, the other is pitch black.

He then says what I never thought would be his last words.

"Alexander Kenneth Halo."

He turns his head to his mate and says, "Kaceline Halo."

I look at him, perplexed at his words. That is, until he picks up the spear that killed my sister-in-law, his mate and his pup.

I look at him in alarm. I can already imagine this. Him telling me his real name so I know my murderer.

But instead of using the blood-coated silver spear on me, he plunges it deep into his own chest. A grunt leaves his lips before he falls to the ground, no longer alive.

For the longest time, I thought Kenneth to be my biggest enemy.

I'm not even sure of that anymore.

I stand up and walk over to where my scepter still lays discarded on the floor.

All of this mess...

All of the pain and grief...

All of it because of this.


It was my greatest enemy this entire time.


We're nearly at the end. I honestly miss writing this book. I don't have much to say except, thank you for sticking to The Alpha's Silent Mate until now. You are amazing.❤️

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