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"Guys! I think I'm falling!" I scream with ecstasy.

I plunge to the ground while gripping the broom handle for my life.

This is going to be one nasty fall.

"Oh my." Argia face palms.

"How are we going to fly into the castle if you can't even keep the broom up?" Valo shouts.

"Well sorry! They don't teach the Witch curriculum to shifters at the High school!" I say after tumbling onto the ground and laying with the broom beside me.

Who knew flying on one of those things is so difficult? Harry Potter definitely made it look easy.
I really wish Mia taught me more witch things when I lived with her here.
After my flying lesson with Valo and Argia, I'm supposed to be training with Lorenzo. Then after training, it's potion-making lessons with Dritë and Leggero.
It's vital that I disguise myself as a white witch in order for our plan to work and this apparently is the only way.

"Please come inside everyone! We have new members to welcome!" Dritë shouts from the balcony.

I internally groan. More names to remember. I just hope they are okay with sharing a living space with two wolves.

I stand up and dust myself off. First impressions matter, and imagine a greeting a future queen that looks raggedy and has grass and leaves in her hair.

Argia, Valo and I walk into the house from the backyard. At least there'll be room for plenty more white witches to move in.
For sure a pack of forty wolves could live here, this place is huge!

In the kitchen, five people are standing with their luggage all around the kitchen and living room floor. They're probably waiting to be introduced before they unpack.

"Argia, Valo, Alpha princess Chloe." Dritë introduces us first.

"Limyé, Khanya, Lumo, Haske, Ina." Dritë motions to them in a clockwise manner.

"Khanya, Ina and I are from Africa." The African guy, Haske states kindly and bows his head to me.

I can assume that he and Ina are related, because they are definitely identical twins. Their appearances are uncannily alike.
Khanya looks to be about sixteen, which surprises me.
Lumo has blue eyes, black hair and a thin moustache. He is obviously Italian.
Limyé has an open and friendly demeanor, with brown hair, brown eyes and a friendly smile.

"They've already met everyone else, so we can just take you to your rooms. Khanya and Ina will be sharing a room. Haske, and Lumo can bunk together. Limyé, you will be sharing a room with Leggero. Okay, everyone is paired up. Let's get moving, witches." Fény says, holding a clipboard and pen.

"Thank you, Mama Fény." Limyé speaks in a thick Haitian accent.

After our little introduction, I exit the kitchen and look for Lorenzo in the basement where all the weaponry and training gear is.

As expected, I find him carrying a heavy looking duffel bag and another gym bag. I offer to carry the gym bag for him.
We walk together in comfortable silence as usual with occasional mind-links about random things.

When we reach the backyard, Lorenzo puts the bags to the side and blindfolds me.
The whole purpose of the blindfold is so we can fight and interact with the environment without our sight.

I feel the gentle breeze cease on my right, letting me know that my opponent - well, my mate - is on my right. I aim for his stomach and successfully land a not-so-gentle kick.
A fist swipes across my face, and I swiftly catch his arm and pin him to the ground.

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