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I turn to face Oh and I didn't miss the look of pain and sadness present on his face. A sudden burst of realisation hits me like a ton of bricks.


"Chloe! Where are you going?"

I stop running and glance at the four year old Lorenzo who wore a heartbroken expression. He hadn't been himself since his parents, Gammas Trent and Kamilla died mysteriously a few months ago. It wasn't usual to hear him talking.

"Chloe, please don't leave."  He begs me. 

"I'm sorry Lori. I'm so sorry." I pull him into a hug.

"Pinkie swear you'll come back for me?"

I take his pinky finger and lock it with mine.

"I swear, Lori. You're my best friend, I'll always come back for you. I just can't stay now."

"You're my only friend, Chloe. I don't wanna be alone now."  Tears stream down his face. His grey eyes are sad, and look like rain clouds.

I start crying too. But I wanna go away, this place isn't safe for me anymore. I get an idea.

"Come with me Lori. We'll always be together then!"  I tug his hand.

He shakes his head and yanks his arm away from me.

"Just go Chloe. Like everyone else did."

He gives me a look of sadness and it makes me feel worse that I am the cause of his pain and tears.

"Bye." I say before running.

I don't look back because I know I'll see Lorenzo's sad face again.

*End of flashback*

I can't believe it. I am brought back to reality and just as I was about to say something, he's gone.

No! I lost my Lori once in the past and I'm not going to lose him again.

I run in the direction of his scent.


"Your highness!"

"Chlo! Hold up!"

I ignore everyone's calls for me. He's supposed to be my best friend, my gamma. And he's running away.

Sounds fair, you ran away when you couldn't handle the heat.

Kasey, shut up. You don't understand.

Yes I do understand! You ran away when your parents died like a coward. Imagine everything that boy has been through! He lost his parents, then he lost his only friend and support system. I'd run away from you too if I was him-

I tried looking for him when I got back, Kasey! There wasn't a single trace of him! It was like everyone forgot about him!

Then it clicks. I stop in my tracks.
Everyone forgot him. Including me at some point.

Man I screwed up. I sigh deeply and retreat back to the castle. 

I spend the rest of my night in a spare bedroom with Darcy.


"He isn't at the clearing and I haven't seen him all day. I think he's running away. From you."

Darcy and I have searched the entire school, and still no Lorenzo.
I need to apologise and talk things out with him.

"Chloe, give him some space. Remember that he's an omega. He obviously had issues growing up. Imagine losing everyone you care about." Darcy continues.

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