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*nine years later*

I lean against the railings of the balcony. The winter breeze nips at my bare feet as I stare at the castle from Lorenzo and I's bedroom in the pack house that only us high ranking wolves live in.

Nine years ago today, in that very castle, four lives were lost:
Kaceline Halo, my aunt
Alexander Kenneth Halo, my uncle
Storm Ignis Helia, my sister and the last Guardian
Kenneth's unborn pup, my cousin

I made sure to give them all proper memorials and their tombs are in the castle's vicinity.
Storm's private lands on the edge of my pack's territory still remain prohibited to all other wolves.
The castle is now used for exhibition purposes, like a museum.

The day after the unfortunate event, I decided to abdicate and shut down the Delphinean throne.
For as long as the throne existed, my family will be in danger. I've already lost too much of my own. I can't let the future generations of the Halo family be in constant danger. The werewolf kingdom is more than capable of thriving without a monarch. The council was disbanded too.

My pack is no longer the Royal pack. It is now known as the Moon's Halo pack, lead by my mate and I as the alphas. Kaden and his mate, Bonnie, are my Betas and they are as happy as can be. With a pup on the way, Kaden is more stressed but nonetheless, joyous.
The ex-Gamma pair Fredrick and Kendra are both locked up in the prisons for treason.
Anastasia however, didn't take the news about her parents well, but Kella managed to help her through everything.

I made sure to destroy the scepter of Delphinea, so no one may abuse it's power. Only the fire made under a full moon during the beginning of a new year could melt the scepter.
It is impossible to forge a new one.

I am content with my choices. I know it is all for the better.

A soft knock on the door brings me out of my thoughts. I reluctantly leave the solace of my balcony and answer the door.

Immediately after I open the door, I am tackled to the ground by my two five year old pups.

"Mommy! Grandma Mia and Grandpa Hudson here!" My son, Raider says excitedly. His blue eyes twinkle with happiness. He really loves his grandparents.

"Nana Luce and everyone else is here too." Renegade, my daughter pipes up. Unlike Raider, she inherited her father's gray eyes.
Both of them have their father's mop of untameable black hair.

"Okay sweethearts, Mommy will be down in a minute. I think Daddy is still in the shower." I say, stroking their soft hair.

They both jump off me and scurry down to the guests.
Tonight, I have a special dinner planned. I invited all the white witches, Darcy who's the current Witch Queen and her sister Rosalia, Lisa and her brother King Antonio and his beloved, Monica.

We only ever see each other when the Council of Supernaturals hold meetings. The Council of Supernaturals consists of I, as a representative for the werewolves, Darcy for the witches, Antonio for the vampires, Father Ramon for the animal shifters and Queen Desdemona for the demons. The council was formed after an official interspecies alliance was made.

"It's too early in the morning to be thinking about politics, mio amore."

My mate's scent of cedar, pine and peppermint draws me to him like a moth to a flame.
Ever since we've had Raider and Renegade, he's been much more talkative and I am very grateful for that.
I love his voice.

"I love yours too, love. Especially when you're screaming my name." He presses his lips to the mark on my neck.

I blush bright red at his comment. I leave my mind open to him all times, just like how he leaves his open to me.
When it comes to reading my thoughts, he doesn't hold back anymore.

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