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Only one week left until my coronation and here I am, arguing with Anastasia's parents over who should be my Royal gamma.

"Gamma Fredrick, I apologise for the princess's behavior. Little Anastasia is to remain future gamma to this pack." Mia cuts in.

I huff and roll my eyes.
I have nothing against Anastasia, she's awesome, but my rightful gamma is Lorenzo. Technically, if he accepts.

"I am sorry, Gamma Fredrick and Gamma Kendra." I say before storming off in the direction of my bed chamber.

As I ascend the stairs, I run into a pissed off looking Kaden.
"Why'd you do that?" He demands harshly.

"What's your problem with Lorenzo? Ever since we were pups, you've taken a disliking to him. You know that he's the rightful Royal gamma." I say calmly, even though I am an erupting volcano inside.

"You just want to embarrass Anastasia by taking away her rank and giving it to a weakling."

"Kaden! What's wrong with you?! Anastasia is my friend, you're my friend, just try to see things from other people's perspective for once!"

He just scoffs and leaves. I stand on the stairs, watching his back.

If only Lisa were here. She knows how to handle these types of situations.

Instead of going to my bed chambers like I intended, I found myself walking to the throne room.

I take in the majestic thrones set on the high platform.
On the far right, a deep velvet chair with silver-coloured accents stood. Everyone knew that that wasn't real silver. On the silver parts though, ancient carvings were engraved on it, but the top of the chair, the largest carving was the Greek symbol for Gamma.
On the far left, a deep blue chair with the same silver accents stood. It was larger than the royal Gamma's throne, but smaller than the Queen and King's thrones. There were more carvings on this one though, but the most eye-catching one was the Greek symbol for Beta at the top of this one.
In between the royal beta and Gamma's thrones, two identical thrones stood. They were the largest, but they were equal in size to show that the king and queen are equals. The king's throne stood next to the gamma's and the queen's throne next to the beta's.
They were both gold in colour and had many more intricate carvings on them. At the top of these thrones, the large Greek symbol for Alpha was engraved.

I walk up the platform and slump into any seat. I start thinking of the times Kaden, Anastasia and I used to sneak here and play when we were around our shifting age.
I end up laughing at my memories.

"Hey Chlo!" Anastasia's familiar voice rings through the large room.

"Oh, hi." I say sheepishly.

She comes up to the platform and sits on the throne closest to me.

"I'm sorry, Anastasia. I know you'd make a great gam-"

"No Chloe it's fine. It's been great to be by your side always and I understand that late gamma Trent's son is the rightful royal gamma. I just hope that we'll still be friends when he's sitting on the throne you're on right now."

It's then I realized that I'm sitting on the royal gamma's throne and she's sitting on the Alpha king's throne.

Maybe Anastasia should be my gamma. Lorenzo is clearly avoiding me, I haven't spoken to him in weeks and, personally I don't think he'd be good with ranks.

"Anastasia?" I say with a smile.


I sit up straight and make the face Gamma Fredrick always makes when he's sitting on his throne. (He always looks like he has a stick up his butt.)

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