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A cold, rough surface rubs against my cheek.
I lift my head up and notice that I am on hard concrete floors. A mop of raven black hair and the scent of cedar makes me wake up completely.
I crawl to my mate's sleeping self and cradle his head in my lap.

"Our execution is happening in a few hours, I suggest you kiss Lorenzo and I goodbye now."

I snap my head to the cell next opposite mine.

She gives me a sad smile."Kaceline won, Chloe. It's been an amazing time with you. Who knew that that little  apprentice in Hazel Coven would become the Alpha of the werewolves? Thank you Chloe, for everything and I love you as my own daughter."

"No! Don't talk like that! We'll find a way to escape here." I plead.

I look around the place and recognize it as the pack's dungeons underneath the castle.

If we're here, that means Kaceline succeeded in getting control of the scepter and made every werewolf think that I'm the enemy.
Wow, if someone told me last year that I'd be locked up in the pack prison with Mia and my ex-omega mate because of my un-dead uncle Kenneth and evil aunt Kaceline, I would've laughed in their face.
A small laugh escapes my mouth. I don't know how or why I  find our situation humorous. I guess I'm that wacky friend that would laugh in danger even though I'm scared shitless.

Lorenzo stirs and starts tossing and turning. A look of distress comes across his once peaceful-looking face. My poor mate is having a nightmare. I hold him closer to me and take one of his warm hands in mine. His large but soft hand seems to fit perfectly over my small one like a puzzle piece; like it is made for only my hand to hold.

Lorenzo's pov

"Stupid boy! How did the oracle predict such a worthless mute mutt to be the future ruler of the werewolves? And his dead sister the guardian of Delphinea?"

Another surge of electricity, stronger than before, passes through my weak body. I grit my teeth and ball my fists hard because I can't scream.
I didn't ask for all this. I didn't ask to be born! I didn't ask to be in a stupid infamous prophecy!

"Two children, birthed by the royal third in command
One will protect, the other will rule, the land
of the children of the moon goddess, Selene.
The one expected will not be queen.
The threat will not be at bay;
A high price they will have to pay."

They told it to me every day. And when they did, they would torture me in every way they can. Then they would expect me to go back home and not tell Linkin and his parents who opened their heart and home to me when I ran from the castle.
They killed Linkin's dad because he discovered the truth and
tried to interfere to save me. Linkin and Aramina do not know the cause of his murder, though. And it will stay that way.
A little after Linkin's dad's death, they stopped their kidnapping and torture sessions because they saw that I was too broken to be a ruler.

"Should I do more?" The female taunts me.

I shake my head no, but she continues anyway. 

"You're a weakling!"

"You are worthless!"

"You are nothing!"

The scene changes and I am in school. I am on the ground, surrounded by one of the popular mixed species groups.
A kick goes to my stomach.
"Get up and be a man!"

I try to stand up, but as I do, the air is knocked out of my lungs and I am back on the floor again, this time, blood pours out of my mouth.

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