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Horrible. The only way I can describe this situation.
Chloe has been charged for treason. They say that she murdered her own parents so she could be queen sooner. Obviously, I saw through the lie.
How can a four year old know about wolfsbane, let alone use it to kill her own parents? And how could that four year old recruit a half blood white witch to help ensure that she rules? Absurd.

But as soon as I had voiced my thoughts, Kenneth, I mean Alpha King Kenneth almost snapped my neck and threatened to kill my mate, Anastasia.

I was forced to move out of my streak, now I live in the castle, as the future royal Beta pair should. Yeah, somehow, Anastasia's parents were moved up the ranks and Kaden's family moved down. They're all convinced that those are the roles that were always in place.

I honestly didn't want to leave my family and friends back at my old streak, and Alpha Mia had no problem with me putting off living in the castle until I was ready.

New laws were implemented and I agree that they are utter crap. Like, no female Alpha may rule a pack without a male by her side. And get this, she - the rightful Alpha - is demoted to being a Luna.

Trade unions and relationships with witch and vampire kingdoms have been severed. That sucks, we can't hang with Darcy anymore and she's my favorite one of Stasia's friends.

Taxes now have to be paid to the Alpha King by the other packs, including the royal pack itself. I say that is immensely greedy because the First Pack has the most members (nearly a thousand should I say?) and the throne is wealthy enough to support every single pack in the northern hemisphere.

I let out a long sigh. How did things get to this?

"Kel, you okay?" My mate asks with a frown.

"For the hundredth time, Staze, I'm fine." 

Honestly, she fusses over me too much. It's actually flattering (gosh I hope she doesn't hear me saying that!).If she does, I'll never get a break.

"I wonder where Chloe is right now. Or if she's okay." I sigh.

I sigh a lot nowadays.

"Even though what she's done is unforgivable, she was still my friend. A good one."

I place my head onto her shoulder and lean against her. She moves herself so she's comfortable on the loveseat.
I close my eyes and let out a soft chuff. Since tigers can't purr, we chuff.

"Are your parents happy about this? About us?" I ask after a few minutes of comfortable silence.

"They're okay with it. Are you happy though? With us? With me? Did the Alphas force you to move in? Last time I checked, you were adamant about not living here."

"No,no, no. I am happy here with you, Staze. I was just thinking about the kingdom's current situation."

"If anybody comes near you, I want you to tell me. I want to protect you, okay? I don't know what I would do if anything or anyone hurt you."

My heart melted like butter on a hot pan. She would do anything for my safety, just like how I'd do anything for hers.
But I can't keep looking over my shoulder, worrying whether Luna Queen Kaceline will lose it and decide to harm me or worse, my mate.

I'll only be relieved when those two are off the throne. Even if I have to wait years for it to happen, I'll wait.


Two days have gone by with me training all by myself in this coven. My mate is visiting the castle to check up on princess Darcy. I asked her to carry a bouquet of blue roses to princess Darcy on my behalf.

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