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We've been ambushed. Everything was going according to plan. That was until, one of the guard wolves sniffed me out. Like the domino effect, one by one the rest were discovered too. Haske, Limyé and Lumo were changed back to their original forms while the three guards, Hudson, Jerome and Lawrence teleported here to aid us. Luce and Solas have also taken our side.

I growl at the warrior that is about to pounce on oblivious Luxe, who is hexing away at five different wolves. I sprint over to him and land on the wolf's back.
We fall to the floor and roll.
I quickly leap off the floor and get in an attack position.

"Why don't you pick on a wolf your own size?" I mind-link him.

"Funny enough, you aren't my size. Maybe five times smaller."

A cocky one I see. Let's see how he reacts when he sees my own wolf.
I shift, making sure that all the weaponry hidden under my clothing clatters onto the polished floor.
The wolf's attitude falls to the ground as he whimpers at the sight of my black wolf. I tower over him, making my superiority known.

I am the alpha.

I begin slashing through the mob. I make sure that I do not fatally harm, or kill any of the wolves. A growl resonates from my throat when I see Haske holding a dagger at one wolf's throat. Haske reluctantly drops it and instead knocks the wolf out using a spell.

A fit of coughs leave the mouths of all the witches. They all fall to the floor and gasp for air like fish out of water.
A bitter smell permeates in the air.

Witch hazel. Witch hazel to a witch is like kryptonite to Superman. It has the same effects wolfsbane has on us.

The massacre outside halts as the demons the witches conjured up disappear.

We are losing.

It isn't long before the witches are all captured, leaving me to fight off the wolves alone.
Two warriors manage to give me a nasty nip that's enough to bring me to the floor. A set of razor sharp claws dig into my side. Blood gushes out of the open wound and pools around me. I try to fight off the seven or eight wolves attacking me, but I fail dismally. I can't get up, nor can I stay conscious at this point.

More wolves gang up on me, gnashing and slashing at any piece of me available. I let out a howl of pain.
My skin tears. My fur is yanked out.

Ford snaps and growls in my head, wanting to take control. I can't allow him to take control because unlike me, he won't hesitate in killing each and every one in this castle.

An ear splitting roar jolts the wolves out of their frenzy. A huge orange paw swats every wolf surrounding me.

Now with all the attackers gone, my wounds can finally heal.

I stand up and press my head to the side of the large orange beast's head. That is the expression of my gratitude. It closes it's eyes and lowers it's head as a sign of submission.

I bark at the beast, warning it that we are not done yet. We stand back to back - well, tail to tail- and begin fighting the circle of wolves that have formed around us. The beast is almost my size, therefore an advantage on our part.

The powerful beast has won my trust. She truly is fit to be a royal Gamma.
Kella Armandi, the tigress.


I hate how I'm evenly matched.
Blood, skin and chunks of gray fur lay at our paws as we circle one another again. It has been an ugly battle that neither of us is winning.

Mia is still standing, surprisingly, but she looks ready to give out any moment.

I've been trying to focus on Kenneth while helping Mia out. That resulted in my current state. Bruised and broken bones.
But I'm not giving up.

"Are you tired yet, pup?" He taunts.


I catch him off guard by leaping at him and sinking my teeth into his shoulder. I bite down hard, not letting go until i hear a crunch.

He jerks and claws at my head. I am forced to let go when I am suddenly pulled back by an unknown force.
My side collides with the wall, causing a crater to form and my ribs to make a sickening cracking sound.

I motionlessly lay on the floor. I can't move.

Kenneth shifts back to his human form and walks over to me with a smirk. Behind him, I see Mia in the same position I am in. On the floor, immobile and helpless while Kaceline steps closer and closer to her.

I return my focus to Kenneth who crouches just in front of me. He pats my head like a human would pet their own dog.
"Cute pup."

He roughly grabs me by the scruff and painfully drags me across the room to where Mia lies. She grunts as my heavy form is plonked down on her lap.

"I'm sorry Mia. For bringing you into this." I mind-link as I lick her grimy, blood-caked face.

"I love you Chloe."

My heart beats faster and I involuntarily close my eyes. A tear escapes from my left eye.

"I love you too, mommy."



A stifle a giggle. Lori puts his finger on his lip. We are hiding behind Lori's big airplane bed. Kaden is already asleep. He is such a party pooper. But at least Lori is always with me.

"Aunty Kamilla and Mommy will never find us." I whisper to him.

Suddenly, two arms wrap around my tummy and lift me into the air. I laugh along with Uncle Trent. I love Lori's parents. They are like parents to me. Just like how my Mommy and Daddy are like parents to Lori.

"Trent! Aaron! Put down the pups it's bedtime!" Mommy scolds.
She's the only one who scolds the grown ups. She says that one day, I'm going to be scolding Lori and Kaden.

"Goodnight squirt." Uncle Trent and Daddy ruffle Lori's hair.

"Goodnight princess." They give me kisses on my forehead.

I hug Lori and give him a kiss on the cheek.
"There! I kissed you, that means you aren't a frog now, you're a prince!"

"I don't wanna be a prince. I wanna be your knight in shining armor! I'll protect you from all the bad people in this world!"

I giggle and hold onto Mommy. In the hallway, we bump into Uncle Kenny. Uncle Kenny is younger than my Mommy, and that means I'm older than him.

"Uncle Kenny! I want a piggy back ride in the morning!" I demand. He smiles and tickles me.

"You better give her what she wants, Kenneth!" Mommy giggles.

"I wouldn't dare disappoint." He walks away.

Uncle Kenny is nice. But my favorite uncle is Uncle Trent. Uncle Cole is a bummer, I like him the least.

Mommy lays me down on the bed and sings me a song about a princess saving a knight.

My eyes are droopy when she finishes the song. She runs a hand through my hair, then kisses me on both cheeks.
"I love you, Chloe."

"I love you too Mommy."

*End of flashback*

Another tear slides down my cheek as I see Kaceline with the scepter in her hand and pointed at me.

I close my eyes and brace myself. This is what everything's been leading up to.

At least I'll be on the other side. With my parents, Uncle Trent and Aunt Kamilla.

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