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"Chloe, it's out of the question, you're going on lockdown."

I sigh in relief. At least if I'm in here, I won't drag some poor soul unlucky enough to be my mate into this mess.

"That's fine by me, Mia. What do I do in the meantime?" I say while swinging my feet and readjusting my position on the large mahogany desk.

"Get your butt off my desk and to your office. You've got some paperwork to do." Mia gives me a devilish smirk.

Oh moon goddess!

Stop whining. It's what you signed up for when you accepted being princess.

Excuse me? I had no choice!

"Kasey, can I have Chloe back? She has some paperwork to do."

"No problem." Kasey forces the words out of my mouth.

Mia walks over to a drawer and pulls out a stack of files.

"These are some old documents about some pack members. See to it that they're in alphabetical order, I'm going to get us some lemonade. I need a glass right now."

"Sure thing, see ya!" I say as I take the large stack.

Dust billows up as I place it on the desk. Man these are old!

I begin organising them all, then I come across one file that catches my attention.

"Ignis Helia"

Next to her name, "missing" was stamped. It's even fading so I can tell this is from long ago. A small photograph of a chubby toddler with black hair and grey eyes was attached to the file.

I read further and saw that her parents are the late Gamma Trent and Gamma female Kamilla.

Wait. That means she's Lorenzo's sister! But I've never met her before. Why?

There aren't any other family members recorded here so I can only assume that she was missing before Lorenzo was born, therefore before I was born too.

"I'm back, hope you're done!" Mia says as she enters the office carrying two glasses of pink lemonade.

"Mia, do you know what happened to her? Ignis?" I ask pointing at the file I have in hand.

Mia furrows her eyebrows in concentration.
"Jewel has told me some things about the late Gamma family. They were the most unfortunate. But their children were the sweetest little darlings. Only five years apart and basically inseparable. The older sibling was very protective over her newborn brother. She was kidnapped by rogue witches. It was assumed to be rogue witches because there wasn't a single trace of anyone or anything. No one has seen her since."

Poor boy. No wonder he's like this.

He's had it rough in life. I just hope he is okay wherever he is.


"Damn, you still fight like a little girl!"

I raise an eyebrow at Storm.

"What? You definitely fight like a pup if that practice dummy is still intact." She shrugs.

With one swift blow from me, the dummy's head went flying.

"Better squirt. That's it for the day."
She stretches her arms, then sits cross-legged on the grass.

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