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"Chloe stop! That's not Kaceline! That's my cousin, Dritë!"

I remove my hand from the choke hold I had on the girl who looks exactly like Kaceline, from the curly brown hair, to the chocolate brown eyes and the mole under her lower lip.
"I'm sorry. I thought you were her."

I easily lift her up from the floor and put her on her feet.
"It's fine. You sure are strong." Dritë says. "Lumia! You're finally back! Lumiere is giving us so much trouble."

She tackles Mia to the floor. "Dritë get off me now. I need to say hi to the family."

"Family?" I ask.

"Yeah. When I switched kingdoms, Dritë and Solas moved in, then more of the white witches moved in too. So it's a full house now. We're like one big family.Dritë, is Luxe here?" Mia says pushing Dritë off of her and getting up.

"Omg, I forgot that my favourite cousin is an Alpha! How is it? Do they really eat raw meat?" Dritë asks, not answering Mia's question.

"I think you should ask the future Alpha Queen and King, right here." Mia motions to me and my very silent mate.

Dritë gasps and quickly bows. "I'm so sorry your highnesses. Please come in. I apologise for my earlier statement."

"Don't stress about it, Dritë. You can call me Chloe, and this is my mate, Lorenzo. He doesn't talk much though." I say to her.

We walk into the house and are confronted by the homey smell of cookies.
A young boy with fair skin, brown eyes and curly black hair runs down the hallway, being chased by a man with fair skin, brown eyes and brown hair. The man must be the little boy's father.

"Lumia! Oh god it's been a while! Why hello there. I'm Solas, Dritë's husband and this little scamp here is our son, Lumiere." The man, Solas, says.

"Mommy!" Lumiere shouts and runs into Dritë's open arms.

"Dritë, who was at the door?" Two middle-aged looking woman come to the commotion. I noticed that they are identical African-American twins. The only difference is that the one has her hair curly, the other straightened hers.

"Hi Lumia!" The ladies engulf Mia in a bone crushing hug.

"Hi Mom, hi Aunt Fény." Mia barely gasps out.
They let go of Mia and instead turned to us.

"Lumia! Did you have a child and decide not to tell us?! Hi there dearies! I'm Luce, Lumia's mother and this is Fèny, my twin sister. Who are you lovelies?" Luce says quickly.

"I'm Chloe Halo, and this is my mate, Lorenzo Helia. Mia adopted me about fourteen years ago. We're pleased to meet you."

"Fourteen years! You've had a pup for fourteen years and didn't bother to tell us! Luxe, Argia, Leggero, Valo! Get down here and introduce yourselves!" Fèny shouts.

Instantly, a small tremor erupts as the rest of Mia's family comes down the stairs. Three males and one girl who looks to be around my age all come down.

"Hi there, I'm Leggero." The male with blue eyes and blonde hair says with a smile.

"I'm Argia. Nice to meet you, your Alpha-ness." The girl says. She has twinkling green eyes and curly orange hair, along with some freckles.

"And I'm Valo." A black haired male with blue eyes smiles at us.

Then the last one, Luxe, introduces himself and gives me a kiss on the back of my hand. He makes eye contact, his gray-white eyes that twinkle with amusement stare into mine.

"Uhm, I'm charmed." I say smiling at all of them.

"Wait, are you alphas? You both look pretty young." Luce questions.

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