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I jump off my bed and scan the room. Nothing.
Was it just a dream?

Sunlight creeps around every corner of the room, leaving no object concealed.
A plate full of fresh fruits lay on the bedside table.

I briskly head over to my bathroom to brush my teeth.

While I clean my teeth, I notice a faint tattoo-like mark on my neck. Right where the mark my mate is supposed to give me.


Oh goddess! All of yesterday night's events come back to me.
I found my mate!
Mia's sister is back after a decade.

Don't forget that you left mate hurt.

I'll make it up to him later.

Kasey finally stops bothering me. Now, the mark on my neck? I didn't do anything with Lorenzo, I'm sure.
Goddess, what if he snuck into my bedroom and marked me without my consent?

But it's beautiful. It is a single rose with a thick stem and sharp looking thorns.

"Chloe, my office, now!" A voice that only a scolding mother could use blasts in my head.

Arg! Mia knows I was out last night!

Could my life get more complicated?

The answer to that is. Yes.


"So not only did you sneak out of the castle, putting yourself at risk, but you found your mate, and won't tell me who it is?"

I stare at the ground and shuffle my feet while Mia sits at her desk, fuming. I had just finished explaining everything that happened last night and Mia doesn't not look the least bit impressed by my reckless behaviour. Well, everything except that Lorenzo is my mate.

"Do you know how much danger you put yourself in? If anyone saw you and told the whole pack, things would get ugly!"

"I'm sorry Mia. I truly am, but no one got hurt. And no one except Kaden, Anastasia and Anastasia's mate knows that I was ou-"

"Well, you're grounded."

Excuse me? Did she really just do that?

"Mia, you honestly can't do that, I'm the crown princess of the werewolves, I can't just stay locked up in this castle forev-"

"What is that on your neck?"

My hand immediately shoots up to cover the small mark.

"I don't know, I woke up with it on me."

"You know what? Just get out of my office. It's too early to be worrying and I'm fighting wrinkles here."

"Looks like they won a few centuries ago." I mutter under my breath.


"Bye Mia!"

I run out of her office at top speed and end up in the kitchen where Kaceline is making a lot of pancakes.

"Hi there dear!" Kaceline says and gives me a a wide tooth exposing smile. Not the normal kind of smile, the psycho kind.

"Hey Aunt Kace. What're y-"

She stops what she's doing and walks to me with her arms outstretched for a hug.

She stops about four feet away from me and gives me a perplexed look. She steps back and walks forward, but when she reaches the four feet distance again, she stumbles backwards as if she hit a wall.

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