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"We need them out of the castle."

The question on everyone's minds is how. Luckily, I have a plan for that.
We don't need the entire place emptied out. Just the floor where the throne room is. Mia and I have already discovered where Kaceline has surely hidden the scepter.

My plan is to get all the wolves in the place and Kaceline to believe that the castle is under siege. The only things werewolves and witches equally fear are demons. That is because they alone are able to travel through space, hence their ability to possess any other creature and their constant intangibility.
Plus, they look really scary.
If an entire supernatural world says something is scary, you better believe it's worse than wet-your-pants kind of scary.

We can't get real demons though. As useful as they could be in our plan, they are far too dangerous, unpredictable and untrustworthy to work with.

This is where Luce and Fény come in. Mia's powers are on strong enough to a certain extent. She can't make an illusion as big and realistic as that on her own.
But a pair of white witch twins? Nothing they can't handle.

"When are we doing this then, sugar? Be quick now, I need to be back at my post in two minutes and we're miles away from the castle." Luce says impatiently as if she can't teleport.

"You'd think being thousands of years old would grow some patience on her." Haske and Valo snicker.

"Unlike you, Jerome, my job is important. Any slip up could have dire consequences for us all!" Luce snaps.

"Okay, let's not bicker now. Grandma Luce, when the full moon is at it's peak, I'll give you the go-ahead."

She nods at me, then teleports away. Haske, Valo, a distant looking Mia and I are left in the thicket of white bushes. A sigh escapes my chapped lips and we begin troding through the crunching snow back to the castle. The dim sun is barely making its heat felt.

"Jerome, where were you with the royal guests?" Franklin, one of my sternest guards questions Haske when we reach the castle.

"They were wandering around and got lost. I found them near the South South East borderline." Haske replies in a monotone.
He actually sounds like a trained warrior with years of experience.

Is it me, or are witches just gifted in acting?

Franklin nods at Haske and beckons for Mia, Valo and I to enter the warm castle.

*Two days later*

Luce and Fény sit on either side of me on a bench near the North East borderline. It is currently evening, just after our dinner with Kaceline, Kenneth and surprisingly the Beta and Gamma families. After almost a week of us being here, they only bother with introductions today. I wonder why...

All I can say is that Kella obviously does not feel comfortable with Kaceline around. Kendra and Fredrick look full of themselves in their new ranks. Too full of themselves.

Inside the castle,we have Mia, Argia, Valo, Luxe and Lumo on standby all around on each wing. They will be the ones to spread word of the staged attack.
Limye, Haske, Leggero and Lorenzo have the perimeter of the castle surrounded from the north, south, east and west.

We are all waiting in anticipation for the full moon to swim up the dark, starless sky and rest on its high perch above us all.

"Must we wait any longer?"  Mia mind-links me.

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