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We've been on this stakeout for long enough. Mom and Solas have safely entered the castle and no one is the wiser.
Luxe and I have our eyes set on the warrior standing right at the East wing entrance, Lawrence. He's a tough one, which is why I made him the sole guard of the East wing entrance in the first place.

"Luxe, we're going in." I use sign language just in case their werewolf hearing picks up on our voices.

He nods, then we both teleport.
We flank Lawrence on his sides. Before he could make any noise, Luxe had the cloth with diluted wolfsbane held up to Lawrence's face. The dosage was enough to knock him out for a few hours, but not enough to inflict any harm.

"Illusion." I signal him.

He conjures up a very realistic hologram of Lawrence before checking the coast. Good, no wolf has spotted us so far. We teleport back to the house, since it's all clear.

We roughly fall on the basement floor with a heavy Lawrence piled on top of us.

"Get this wolf off of me!" I yell at Luxe.

"He's too heavy, Lumia!"

Weak ass witch. I use all my strength and manage to lift the unconscious Lawrence off the floor. Training with werewolves helps with strength and stamina.

"Man! Have you been working out, cause that guy is heavy as fuck."

"Language." I scowl.

"The kids aren't around, Lulu."

In less than two seconds I have him pinned to the wall with his feet dangling in the air and a choke hold on his neck.
"What did I say about calling me that?"

"That I shouldn't?" He says with cockiness.

I let go of his neck and he crashes uncomfortably onto the floor. I smirk, but my moment of victory is demolished as I receive a telepathic message from Limyé.

"We need help."

Luxe and I are immediately at his location and the sight isn't pretty. Limyé and Haske look beaten half to death and the light brown wolf they are fighting doesn't have a single scratch.


I stretch my neck and shoulder muscles then stop when I hear the satisfying cracks of my body preparing for a fight.

Time to show them why I was made the Alpha Regent. I walk up to the wolf and look it in the eyes, showing it that I'm not afraid to fight.

He growls and starts circling me. I in turn, circle him too. He growls and snaps his jaws at me. I raise an eyebrow and keep my knees bent.

He lunges at me, aiming for my neck but I dive and slide on my back underneath him and grab his left hind leg. He falls to the ground and I pull then twist the leg, tearing a few ligaments in the process.
He howls in pain, but Luxe is quick with the silencing spell. I jump on his back and take hold of his front haunches to keep him from moving.

"The wolfsbane!" I whisper-shout at Haske.

Haske takes out a diluted wolfsbane-soaked cloth and limps over to us.

Luxe snatches the cloth and runs to cover the wolf's snout. The big guy falls limp underneath me and subconsciously shifts back to his human form.

I scan the area, and I am pleased when I see a holographic image of the werewolf patrolling the castle grounds.
I decide to teleport back with him and leave Luxe to help Limyé and Haske.

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